Miss Independence Day [ July 05, 2003, 5:48 pm ]

I feel very Betty Crocker-esque at the moment. I'm making mashed potatoes--woohoo! The kind with soy milk and margarine. Before you go gagging, don't knock it until you try it. They're so amazingly yummy. I'm puuuumped. I cannot wait to eat them. I'm also gonna attempt to cook steak on the George Foreman grill. Keep your fingers crossed about that...

So I really have no idea how, but I've actually gained weight this summer. I thought that by cooking myself and watching what I eat I'd be doing ok. Granted I don't exercise--yet--I AM going to start taking nightly walks. I just thought I'd at least be ok. Nope. Ok, granted it's probably only a couple of pounds, I can still fit into my pants. But my favorite rippy jeans are quite snug and I'm not liking that a whole lot.

The solution? Swear off pop starting Monday. For real. I know I've said it before, but I'm quite driven now. Plus I have a pair of khakis that are adorable but don't fit quite right that I wanna be able to wear to training in August so I'm quite driven.

I don't know why this is bugging me--I hate talking about my weight. But I'm only human. I enjoy my little tummy but I think society has started to brainwash me a bit. GAAH. I hate it. Looks are way overrated. Besided, I looked in the mirror the other day and grinned--I think I'm cute. Ha!

Take that, American society!


Yesterday was quite fabulous for me. I hung out with my boss all day. Quality bonding time. It was great. Out initial plan was to go to the parade at 2. It began raining torrents at quarter to 1. Gaah. Luckily it stopped by 1:30. It was great. We went to the parade. There were quite a few dogs there. This, indeed, cemented my thoughts that I MUST OWN a dog. Boo. Damn the dorms for policies. =(

The parade was fun. There were a lot of HOTTIES in it. I didn't realize how many hot guys are still in the Marquette area during the summer. Where are they hiding? The eye candy was quite nice. Hehe. My favorite guy was Mr. Pimp. He was on this float for....I have no idea what the point of the float was--there were a lot of guys on it, doing different things, that's about all I know. But there was a guy dressed like a 70s pimp. Elequent me--"Oh my GOD--you're a PIMP!!!" Davide and I just looked at each other a doubled over after I said it. Hey--the guy was a hottie. It got his attention--he smiled and waved at me. Hehe.


So then after the parade my boss and I decided to dye our hair. This is a fine Krissy tradition that dates back to the beginning of last year. Haha. It's our total bonding thing. It's pretty cool actually--it takes a lot of trust to let a friend put chemicals in your hair. I did highlights for her (Herbal Essence highlights are great people!) and my hair is now a happy summery shade of red--again. I swear I'm obsessed with red hair. I know it. Oh well. It's fun. Me likey. *grin*


We then ventured to food fest. It's called the International Food Fest, but there was nothing international about it. It was just the restaurants from Marquette setting up booths with lots of yummy foods. It was soo crazy there. LOTS of people gettin' drunk. Too funny. I saw quite a lot of people I knew. It was good fun.

The initial plan was to watch the fireworks...until they got cancelled. Boo. BUT--they are tonight, so we're so there.

Actually, I have to go and cook my food, so I can start hikin' it over to the outdoor concert at Lower Harbor.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: SNL on Comedy Central--Ben Affleck hosts

Crush du Jour: preppy hotties at FoodFest

Happy Thought of the MOment: thunderstorms, BBQ, hair dying bonding times, parades, cute dogs, cute guys in parades, funky cars, summery days, Lower Harbor, falling in love with Marquette, discovering new parts of the city, SNL marathon, elephant ears, dancing, good news from friends' moms, hugs, mix cds, Melissa and my project (more on that later)

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