The Clouds Will Clear [ January 21, 2003, 5:24 pm ]

Are You Lilo or Stitch?

Are You Lilo or Stitch?Quiz By Chloe


Still no word. I have no idea what's going on. To those of you who have read my diary and have no idea what is going on--I am sooo sorry, but I can't talk about it. It's gotta be kept on the downlow.

All I can say is that everything will come out in the long-run. I promise.

Thanks to everyone who's been behind me. I love you all, and you're all amazing. Mwah a million times to you all. You rock!

I'm not gonna focus on what may be. I'm through with crying and stressing. I still feel kind of dead inside, but I'm gonna focuz on the good in my life.

What makes Krissy happy at the moment:

~My friends--they're all amazing. And they all give really good hugs! It's sooo comforting knowing that they got my back during this shitty time for me.

~Creative Writing--a GREAT outlet. I got lost in writing a short story earlier today and it was the greatest I've felt in the past 72 hours. I've also had an outlet for my feelings, and that is the best feeling in the world.

~Joe Millionaire--corny reality shows rock!! Does anybody else think that Evan is like Kronk (from the Emperor's New Groove) with just a couple more IQ points? I think soo-oo!

~Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes--yay again for reality shows!!!

~The gooey-gel eye mask I got from Megan--it was a god-send last night

~Stitch--literally the only thing that is making me laugh right now

~MTV--music videos=temporary escape for Krissy

~Sleep--when I actually get some, it feels gooooood

Ummm....yeah. I'm exhausted, I want this to be over with, but whatever. I'm gonna go and chill out for a bit.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Oprah--I love her!

Crush du Jour: John Cusack

Happy Thought of the Moment: see list above, plus NAE meetings, hugs, lotsa support, happy voicemails, happy IM's, easy CIS class, goofing off, thoughts of Spring Break, valentines, shopping with Sierra, cute shoes, Lizzie McGuire, anticipating the SNL half-time SuperBowl show, Jimmy Fallon, kick ass convos with Em

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