The College Life [ April 28, 2004, 10:01 pm ]

I got a cute (albeit semi-cliche') email about college life last night. It was cliche' because it hit really close to home on a lot of things. I'm going to run through the list with my commentary on the ones I feel strongly about.

(Note: I'm doing this because I'm feelin' really reminiscent, but not so much so that I want to do my year-end wrap-up yet. This is a good little warm-up for me.)

Things They Never Told You at Freshman Orientation:

- two meals a day is standard: um...more like one meal and lots of snackage

- road trip whenever possible: should've been doing that this whole time, now that I know how in love with it I am. Guess what I'll be doing all next year? Mwahaha

- going to the mailbox was never such an ego-booster/breaker: mostly a breaker for me. Thanks mom. :p

- you will begin to nap again: can I get a hell yeah?

- IM becomes an addiction: especially at the Laptop "Connected" University

- western Europe could be wiped out by a plague and you wouldn't know, but you can recite the re-run of That 70s Show verbatim: it's a gift--especially with Disney Channel shows

- Disney movies are more than just classics: they're brain drains, they're wonderful, they're deep, I learned more from re-watching them than from most of my classes

- you will never rent/buy more movies in your life: my DVD collection has grown exponentially in the past year. I couldn't be prouder

- procrastination is an art form: one that I am a master at. Gimme a PhD bitch!

- it never hurt so much to get sick: especially during the last weeks of class. Ugh. OTC drugs are goooood.

- classes--the later the better: which explains why I don't even mind night classes that much. God bless sleeping in and latenight t.v.

- the only time to dress up is when your jeans are dirty: word.

- asleep by 2:30 is an early night: double word

- creativity in the dining hall is key: Oh yeah--it keeps you healthy and more keeps you entertained

- dishes smell after being in a pile for a few days: oooh I know this all too well. Yet I still don't wash them all that often. God, I'm a slob.

- you will eat anything that is free: even if it's really really gross-looking or weird-smelling

- cereal makes a meal any time of the day: it's especially good at 3:30 am when you're watching cartoons

- you will begin to negotiate with God even if you've doubted his existance in the past ("please God, let me get a good grade on this test and I'll never drink again"): I prayed to God before every Comm. Theory class. If he answers my prayer I may be moving to a convent or throwing away my beloved John Mayer cds.

- pizza is a new food group: I can't even count how many times a week I eat pizza. The Dominos and Pizza Hut guys know me by name.

- pictures, posters, postcards and other random things will become wallpaper to plaster over the ugly white dorm walls: sooo true. I should post pix of my room. There's no white. I like color dammit!

- college is the ideal lifestyle...except for the whole classes thing: double word. I don't wanna leave next year!

You Know You're in College When

- you enjoy doing laundry more than homework: sooo true. SO true

- you'd rather clean than study: again, very true

- you schedule classes around your sleep schedule and favorite shows: scarily true

- you live for getting mail: it's a happy day when there's mail in my box

- the weekend lasts from Thursday to Sunday: ooh yeah. God bless no Friday classes

Woo! Now off to celebrate the end of the year!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Shorties Watching Shorties

Crush du Jour: Dane Cook

Happy Thought of the Moment: clean underwear, Hudsons, caffeine, lookin' cute, gettin' lots of money back from selling my books

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