Boys =BAD [ May 20, 2002, 5:57 pm ]

Life recap at the moment: guys suck (one really really in particular), I am broke in a bad way, my sister is being quite annoying, wierd dreams plague me, and I am PMS'ing quite bad.

So life isn't really bad for me. I am just a pure drama queen when I wanna be, and I feel like it right now. So I'll be bitchy dammit! (PS--I'm fine right now. Quite content with my flannel jammies and laptop here.)

Boy update: I have not thought about boys very much at all today. I won't let myself. I'm quite proud. Ok, so I've thought about them a little bit, but it's the first day. What do you expect? :p Im' sick of thinking about him and torturing myself. It's all about me now. And it is working so far. It's kind of fun. I enjoy this. Yay me!!!!! I'll keep ya posted as to how this is going as the hours and days go by.

Ummm...nothing else really monumental happened today. The sun is actually shining. That's monunmental since it was snowing yesterday. Yeah.... Oh and I worked. Wheee. Sooo slow. It sucked. I had like half a dozen tables. THat's it. Suckage. Oh well. I don't work again til Friday. So I'm quite happy. Happy happy happy happy happy. ^_^

Ahhh! Thinking about boys. BAAAD. *slap wrist* Am I crazy. I'm such a dork! :p But I feel this is important. I think of it as part of the healing process. Yes yes. I'll leave ya with these Sheryl Crow lyrics:

Everytime I turn around/I'm looking up/You're looking down/Maybe something's WRONG with you that makes you act the way you do/I'm gonna soak up the sun.....

Totally describes me right now. Yes yes. I'm gonna run to WalMart now. I have film I wanna get one hour developed. Drag queens. How fun! hehehehe! (Yes I know WalMart is the devil, but it's the only place around Houghton with good values since KMart is closing *sob*) Ciao, dahling!


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