The BackRoad...and a Happy List [ May 19, 2002, 11:20 pm ]

Decided to not think about guys for the next couple of days. Yes. This is the best route for me to take. One in particular has consumed my thoughts. And I mean consumed. A lot. So I will not think about him or guys in general for the next 48 hours....starting tomorrow that is. Yes. A new beginning. I will be only all about me for the next couple of days. Cuz I am a goddess. *grin*

I worked tonight. For like four hours. How fabulous are those short shifts? I love them. They rock. It wasn't too bad tonight--thankfully. Except that I slaved my ass off for this family of five and only got two dollars as a tip. GRRR. Excuse me,people, this is my livelihood. And I did everything you asked me too. I should've gotten at least 10% dammit!! Argh!

The restaurant is sooo funny that I work at. It's a total Yooper establishment, established for and by Yoopers...for forever I think. By the registers there's pictures of locals who have caught HUGE fish. And they get the people to sign them, which I think is completely hilarious. And last week I served a guy that had....brace yourselves....A MULLET. Only in the U.P. I'm telling you. It took every once of strength I had to not laugh everytime I looked at his hair. And the people actually get excited when they find out that alcohol is served. Cuz seriously--even though it's beer country here, there are only a couple of restaurants that actually serve alcohol. I'm surprised I haven't seen anybody get sloshed yet. Wow. Then there's this old guy. CRABBY AS HELL. And I always get to wait on him. Lucky me. He is forever complaining that we don't have chilli, then only drinks gallons of coffee. Grr...but I supposed you'll get those people everywhere. Whatev.

Aight, I'm gonna retire to my room. Even though it is messy as all hell. My bad. Like I have time to clean. I'll leave you with a list of things that make me happy.

KiKi's Happy List Du Jour:

~Citrusy scents like orange and lime (a true summer scent. Yumm)

~Ewan McGregor (Mmm...he's just so gorgeous.)

~Hot chocolate with whipped cream (It's still snowing and cold here so I can still have this as a favorite)

~Good tips when I work (self-explanatory)

~Harry Potter (I'm on the 3rd book, plus the DVD comes out in like a week, so I'm geeked for that)

~The Matrix ("DODGE THIS." I finally watched the whole movie yesterday. I enjoy it greatly. As well as it's star--Mr. Reeves is quite lovely.)

~The mix tape that I made for the Marquette trip--it has everything from cheesy 80s to Shakira to Dishwalla to SNL--Muy muy fun to sing to! :D

~Pixie Stix--The official "food" of this past weekend

~"Confessions of an Ex-Girlfriend" (A book I've just begun but immensely enjoy anyway)

~Ocean's 11 (Yeah yeah, but the more I watch it the more I LOVE it)

~The Serendipity soundtrack (I just bought relaxes me and makes me smile)

~Not being broke (cuz I'm actually not, as unbelievable as that is! Yippeee!)

~The home-video footage on Mark's camera from this weekend. Great fun, great fun *grin*

~dreams (I've been having and hearing about a bunch of good ones lately ;)

~Mom's smoothies (She finally figured out how to make really really good ones. Hellooo breakfast!)

~The promise of summer (cuz I am SICK of seeing snow)

~Memories of this weekend (it just kicked ass)

~My car (it just makes me happy)

~My internship (So I haven't started yet, but I'm waay excited about it--it should be a LOT of fun)

I'll shut up now, cuz I'm sure it's getting annoying. Hey--a lot of dumb little things make me happy. You should see my happy books. I have completed Volume I and am well into Volume II.

going to sleep for real now.

Ciao, dahling!


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