The Bend and Snap may soon be implemented [ November 29, 2004, 1:25 pm ]

Why is it that I turn into a big pile of Krissy-goo whenever I see the one hot guy from receiving. I see him EVERY Monday and Thursday during my noon shift and he is...fwwaaaah. He's not even god-like in the looks department. He's just adorable. Rumply hair, good-natured, great eyes. Once again: FWAAAH.

I feel like Paulette in Legally Blonde. He brings packages, all I can do is grin stupidly. In my defense, though, I can say more than two words to him. I can carry on twenty-two second conversations with him. But still. I was blushing when he left just now. Blushing. I feel like a fifth-grader all over again. One last time: fwaaah.

And I got my week off to a rolicking start in the form of sleeping in and missing my alarm. Making this the, um, gazillionth time this has happened this semester that I've missed my Geography class. My bad. I highly doubt that I missed anything vital today though. Ugh.

I won't miss the rock class any more this semester. Promise.

I also made a list of all of the gifts that I want to make for the holidays for people. Making gifts is fun. It's more heart-felt and it's a bit easier on the pocketbook. I just counted how many I'd like to make though. FIFTEEN. Actually...more than that with a special project I want to do. GAAH. Seriously. Gaaah. I better get my arse in gear, no? Hopefully once I start doing the thingers, it won't be too hard to get going. Hopefully.

I think I'll go supply shopping tonight. That should be fun. Target and Menards here I come!!!

My shift is only half over and I'm bored. Luckily I have the Sexiest Man Alive issue of People here to keep me entertained.....

Ciao, dahling!


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