Bliss, Absolute Bliss [ October 05, 2003, 3:41 pm ]

Have I ever said how much I loooove the weekends? I adore them. Especially when I've had one as good as this weekend. I have not thought about NAE or my job since Friday afternoon. I finally deposited my worries at the door and had fun. FINALLY. After last weekends stress-o-rama, I think I deserved it.

I ordered my John Mayer tickets. EEE!!! I'm mucho mucho psyched. I couldn't wait for Joe to order them, so I did it myself on Thursday afternoon. I got really decent seats too, which makes me all the happier. GAAH! I cannot believe that I am actually going to see JOHN MAYER in concert. I have wanted to see him in concert for two years. And usually when I want to see concerts it never happens, so this is a really significant thing for me.

I think I can die happy now.


I also had a really good meeting with my boss this week. She didn't holler at me! Yay! Sometimes I think that I'm not doing a good enough job and that she's disappointed in me. But she told me that I'm doing a good job. Lalalala.

On Friday night I ushered with Miss Katie from SLFP for Picasso at the Lapine Lagile. Fucking hilarious. I laughed for two hours straight--the script was really clever and the actors were awesome. Sometimes Northern's theater department really impresses me. The play was written by Steve Martin, so I knew it was going to be good. Good times, good times. I'm glad Katie invited to usher with her.

On Saturday Brett and I had a shoppy day. We hit some of the bookstores in the downtown area. I love bookstores. Shopping in them is just pure bliss for me. It's totally a comfort feeling. (Quick sidenote: Yaay! Stitch cartoon series coming to Disney channel! WOOHOOO!!!) We went to Target too. That store just makes me really happy. I wasn't impressed with their clothing selection--what's happening with that? I thought it was supposed to be getting better now that Mizrahi is designing for them, but it's actually getting worse. Huh. Not that that really matters, because I ended up spending $50 there on nothing. How did I do that? Total buyers remorse. Gaah.

Saturday night....yeah see the next entry. That's a whole 'nother story. Heh heh.

I'll be writing about that soon, believe me. Stay tuned!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Naked Mole Rap"--this never fails to make me laugh uncontrollaby

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: fabulous weekends, me-time, Naked Mole Rap, shopping, taking pictures, good grilled cheese sales, flip flop day, Kohl's open, fuzzy sweaters, brunch, Ninja Turtles, cuuute little kids, creativity awakening, being inspired, clean room, dancing the night away, playing pool with my boss, getting strikes in bowling, sexy bowling shoes, cute little chincillas, nice cold water, manicures, fudge-y cookies, Kenneth Cole perfume, McD's fries, Chinese food, minty steamers, nice fall days, great short stories (read Bullet in the Brain--SO good), hugs, quotable moments, sleeping in, getting lots of stuff done

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