WaterLogged....STILL [ May 16, 2003, 10:47 am ]

Soooo....all I wanna do is go back to my apartment. Is this too much to ask? Really, I mean come on! I'm going crazy here, I really am.

I have this unsettling feeling, like butterflies playing kick ball in the pit of my stomach and throat. It's not a fun sensation, let me tell YOU.

I'm still evacuated from my apartment. Last night was not a whole lot of fun. Em and I were just in this mindset of "get us home, get us water, get us a bed." That's all we wanted. Our plan of attack was to wait around Marquette as long as possible to see if maybe they'd let us back into our apartments.

No such luck.

You know how little there is to do in Marquette if you're broke, tired and cranky? Verrrrrry little. Not cool. Not cool. We were bored and hella crabby. Or at least I was hella crabby.

And we knew we'd find a place to stay, it was just a matter of getting ahold of people. It sucked. When the coppers finally told us that we wouldn't be able to get back in until at least 9 a.m. we panicked a bit. Uhh...what were we supposed to do? Like I said, we knew we'd find a place to stay eventually. But it was just so highly frustrating. I'm so shocked that I didn't burst into tears at all during this whole fiasco. Cuz I felt like bawling. But I couldn't. I don't know if it was cuz I was so intent on finding a bed and getting sleep or if I was just dehydrated.

Who knows.

We ended up staying out near Skandia at Jodi's in-laws house. They are ANGELS. They were so sweet. Jodi's husband called us around 9 and asked why we weren't out at his parents house yet. If he had been in front of him I probably would'be kissed him I was so happy.

So we stayed out there last night. And literally crashed. The only conversation that Em and I made went like this.

"uuuhhhh...me tired."

"Yeeeeahhhhh....me too. Bed time. Nigh nigh."

I was all too happy to end my cruddy day.

And then today comes. And it's not a bad day. It's just another day of...waiting. Which doesn't really impress me all that much. All I really want to do is lounge in my apartment for a couple of hours, make some phone calls and finish my moms present. Sooo not happening now.

The evacuation is still in effect. It's not really looking so sublime either. I just read a release on the National weather board website thingy and I guess things still look kinda bad. Water levels have gone down I guess, but they mentioned debris may make levels go back up. And flooding will continue in some low lying areas aparrently.


So I'm still kicked outta my apartment. I think I should get a rental kickback because of this. Hehe.

Really, if I could hang out in my apartment for a bit that'd be superb. But even if I could just GET IN for like 10 minutes. That's all I need. Em got in her apartment last night. It was fine. All the buildings are fine. It's sooo just a precaution--which I completely understand.

But I just need to get into my place so that I can get some more clothes.

And really--they only told people to bring enough for one night. They have to make some kind of concessions for us refugees of the flood.

I like that--I'm a refugee. It sounds kind of cool. My new moniker is the one bright spot out of all of this happening.

Yeah...so I'm getting back into my apartment this afternoon, come hell or high water. I don't CARE what it takes, I WILL get in it. I just need clothes and shampoo and my mom's gift! GAAAH. Is that so much to ask? I don't think so. But some people may disagree. Seriously, they can escort me if they want, but I'm getting in.

There's a press conference at 1 today to talk about the evacuation and if it's going to be going on still or not. If it is, then Hurricane Krissy will be unleashed.

Right now I'm so intently focused on going up to Chassell for the weeked that I will plow through any obstacles that may stand in my way. So no matter what I'm getting in, getting my shit and leaving the town for a couple of days. Mwahahahaaaa

At this point I can't wait to leave. Marquette can become the next Atlantis for all I care, as long as I can grab my camera and mom's present and leave before it happens.

God, I sound like a bitch. But that's my mood right now.


Happy news is that Down with Love opens today. I'm way geeked. And Bend it Like Beckham is FINALLY coming to Marquette too, so Em and I will be viewing that soon. Yay for good movies!!!!

A shoutout to Hannah--she left for Virginia today and she leaves for Sicily on Sunday or Monday. Much love to you hon, I'll miss you greatly. I know you'll do fabulously in Italy. Don't worry too much--I know you'll shine, you always do. Mwah!

K, I need to figure out a new plan since I can't get to my apartment. I gotta make some phone calls. They wanna interview me at the Lodge (remember my vent a month ago about them? It all works out) to maybe be a bartender. Eee! That'd kick some major ass. And Manager dude from Goody called me yesterday too. I gotta call him back. I have a feeling I'm gonna get offered a job. I don't know how I'm gonna turn it down. Gaaaah. Wish me luck.

Hopefully next time I update I'll be home and all this flood shit will be OVER. Just keep your fingers crossed.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Mr. Bartender" by Sugar Ray (yaaay! New Sugar Ray cd out in June! Hurrah!!!)

Crush du Jour: Orlando Bloom

Happy Thought of the Moment: angels in Skandia, going home, chinese food, fun pix, black and white film, seeing my family, maybe bartending, new job on Monday, not being broke, mall crawl, happy voicemails

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