Vacation, All I Ever Wanted [ June 17, 2007, 7:21 pm ]

I've discovered the secret for feeling young. Surround yourself with old people.

As I type this I am in the dining area of Wendys. I'm the only one here under the age of 70. One table is full of old guys wearing newsie-style caps and pants that are held up by suspenders. One man just asked another if he forgot to go to the bathroom. Another horked. I thought he was going to lose a lung. A different table has a cute old couple eating Frosties. The old man keeps squishing his face and saying that his treat is too "damn cold." The woman keeps trying to wipe his mouth. At another table an elderly man is napping in the late evening sun. I guess the caffeine from his coffee cup couldn't compete with the warmth emanating from the summer sun.

Wendys: the new fountain of youth. The people around me who are always complaining about feeling "soooo ooooold" should take heed and come here. It'd be like instant confidence for them. (And trust me--I actually hear it from three very close sources about how old they feel. And on a daily basis. It's enough to make this girl want to cram a kitten heel up each of their bums.)

In other non-age related news...I'm on vacation. Dude! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day to come. As of 4 p.m. today, I'm free of the office, complicated files and whiny/bitchy residents for eight whole, blissful, blessed days. Yum.

Tomorrow The Boy and I embark on a road trip up to Traverse City. We're going up there to relax. However, I keep thinking of stuff for us to do since I found a visitor's guide to the city.

A scene from this afternoon, as I'm flipping through the guide...

Me: Oooh! Pirate mini-golf! We HAVE TO DO THAT!
The Boy: Of course! Hell yeah!
Me: And we HAVE to shop downtown! Cute stores! Wheee!
The Boy: Sure, sweetie!
Me: What else?
The Boy: Isn't there a winery we wanted to go to? And what about that dinner?
Me: Oh yeah! And can we go kayaking! OOOH! And go to the Sleeping Bear Dunes? AND CLIMB A LIGHTHOUSE?!?
The Boy: Sweetie. We're only going to be there for two days. Are we going to sleep?
Me: No.

Vacations are supposed to be a time to rest up. However, with me, there is no such thing. Although I'm fairly certain that once I set foot on the sands of Lake Michigan and feel the sun, I'll be out as fast as the geezer I witnessed in Wendys today.

Ce la vie, I guess!

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