SnowGlobe [ November 12, 2003, 10:33 pm ]

I am officially living in a snowglobe. I'm enchanted.

I'll revel in this for as long as humanly possible because the sad reality is that I'll freeze me ass off when I trek to class tomorrow and that will be the end of my winter enchantment. For. This. Year.

I'm kinda hoping that we'll have a snow day. Every time there is talk of one, all the residents and staff get soooo excited that it'll happen. Then it never does.

Then again, it is really cruddy outside. Like snow decided to throw a Marquette party and invite it's friends sleet, rain, hail, wind and freezing temperatures with it. That's the not-so-charming part of living in the U.P. Ugh.

Mmm. I have roses. This excites me. I came back from lunch and there were 3 roses on my doorknob with a sticky note. I thought they were from my boss. They were not. Turns out they're from this really sweet guy that I've met a whole 3.68 times who lives in VA and is a friend of a friend. I mean, he's a friend of mine too, but we haven't really hung out, we've just talked a few times. And he gave me roses. Lalala. (Don't put too much thought into it--my boss already tried. He's just a nice nice guy. Thank you Kyle for restoring my faith in guy-kind. You've made me smile for the rest of the week.)

I gotta study. Ick. I have a Mass Media test tomorrow. Not cool. I'm not motivated. I'm suddenly inspired to clean my room though. Ooohh.

Aww--Marky Mark just called to say I'm cute. I love him.

I'm lovin' all of guy-kind tonight. I'm inspired.

Yeah. I'm inspired.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Boy Meets World" lalalala--yay Disney Channel!

Crush du Jour: any and all boys who've made me smile tonight--gay, straight, platonic...doesn't matter, they all make me grin right now

Happy Thought of the Moment: roses, livin' in snowglobe, manicures, Midol, pizza, red lipstick, lights out all over Marquette (for real), good programs, learning new schtuff, cold water, kick ass boots, comfy pjs

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