Viscountess Puddin-N-Pie [ June 01, 2002, 8:43 pm ]

Wow. BLONDE ALERT. I was looking through people's profiles and stuff and I'm like "wow, that sounds a lot like my profile." It WAS my profile. How dumb can I get? I'm really with it tonight. Oh well.

Lalalaaa....It's my 100th entry!! Wheee! I'm so proud. *tear* That's actually kind of cool, though. At least I'm dedicated to something. I mean, I'm dedicated to a lot of things, but this is one dedicated thing that I actually ENJOY for myself. So yeah. Go me!

I'm am going fucking nuts over here right now. K, so Em's brother Justin dyed his hair and it got a reddish tint to it according to Em (I haven't actually seen it). But I guess it's driving him nuts. So Em tried to dye it back...3 TIMES. The red is still there. And I thought I had read in a magazine somewhere that there was some kind of cheap shampoo that hairstylists use that will help to fade the color out FAST. But I cannot remember for the life of me where I read this thing or what the shampoo name is. And Justin may just decide to be dramatic and BIC his head. Noooo! He has great hair. Really really good hair for a guy. So he shouldn't shave it off. No no no. But unless I remember where I saw the name of the shampoo, the hair's going bye bye. Which would be a tragedy. So after I'm done online I should really try to figure out where this article thingy is. It is driving me INSANE. Really.

Ummmm...I worked today. For 5 hours. hehehe--I feel like such a slacker. But I made moola so it's all good. Then I went and saw "Enough" with my family. GOOD MOVIE. See it. I'm inspired to take up self-defense courses. Some of the moves she did in the movie I learned in my RAD (Rape Agression Defense) classes last year. So that was cool. Yes yes--good movie.

I feel the need to make a happy list. So here goes for:

KiKi's Happy List for This, the First Weekend in June:

~Old-Skool *NSync: cuz that's what's blaring right now--their very first cd. How far they've come....

~The fact that it's June: Yay! Summer's pretty much officially here

~People who tip good: they're so rare and far between that when people are actually monetarily grateful, it brings a grin to my face.

~"Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood": SUCH a good book. Not done yet, but I devour it at every moment that I get

~Fun people: they make life easier and make me laugh (like that's really hard)

~Good hair days

~Fresh SEEDLESS watermelon

~Hahahahahaahaa--My Ya-Ya Name: Viscountess Puddin-N-Pie. Too funny

~Two months till I move!!!: The countdown has offically begun. Heh heh

~My New York Summer League Shirt: it's just damn cute. Too bad I can't keep it clean.....

~French Toast: it's what I had for dinner. And I didn't burn the kitchen down. Yay!!!

~Lip Gloss: cuz it's pretty

~Having the next three days after tomorrow off: I'm gonna need them if tomorrow is as crazy as last Sunday was.

~Friends: mine cuz they all rock.

~Sunsets in the UP: more beautiful here than in any other place I've seen them (Hawaii's the only place that rivals and that's an entirely different category)

~Tarot Card readings: cuz I still have hope. I always will.

~"Corn is my passion": I swear to God these exact words came outta my mom's mouth a few days ago. She is so weird sometimes. hehe

~Wallpapers: I'm a wallpaper FREAK. I must have over 200 wallpapers on here that I've dl'd from the internet. I change it like every day. But they're fun. Mine now is yummy: JC and Hayden. Hehehehe

~The 2 guys mentioned above

~The scent of fresh cut grass

~Flowers--Peonies in particular

~Being home alone--ALL NIGHT! HURRAY HURRAY HURRAY!!!!!

~Cheap DVDs: what Target and WalMart are best for!!!

~John Mayer!!!!!!!!!!

~Email wars (Em I'm winning! Hehehehe)

I should probably go and do something constructive. Hmmm...Like finding that damn article. GRRR! More later! ciao, dahling!


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