It is dangerous to store moisterizing cream in the refridgerator...... [ November 14, 2003, 11:25 pm ]

There's something really comforting about your favorite movie. The fact that you can recite every line in every scene and laugh before a scene because you know what's gonna happen in 2.3 seconds.....

It's pretty blissful.

Of course in my case I'm talking about Spice World. Don't groan. It's a hell of a lot funnier than 68% of the movies made in the past decade. It's dumb humor and you have to have the brains of a 9-year-old (or my or Em's brains, in our case :P) but it's still really funny.

I don't feel so great. Actually I'm feeling a LOT better since wolfing down grilled cheeses and gulping water. So perhaps I was really just hungry. I think it was more dehydration than anything. That sucks. Guess I just gotta drink more water. Which is all I really feel like drinking nowadays, so it works out pretty damn fantastically.

Ooooh...Alan Cumming. I adore this man so much. Soooooo much. I think I love him even because he did this movie. He's such a fantastic actor and is so above campy pop movies, yet here he is goofing off in this fun film. hehehehe.

That paragraph sounded like it should be in some film magazine. KiKi the critic. Hahaha.

Damn I'm weird.

Oooooh! I'm going to Appleton tomorrow for the day. I'm so completely psyched. GOOD SHOPPING!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Yeah--me, my boss and Katie Geiter. This'll definitely be a good good time.

I cannot wait.

But for now I'm gonna chill and clean and marvel at Alan. Lalala

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Say You Will Be There" (For you Em: "Focus on the posh one! The posh one!" "Which one is that?" "The one that looks...the one that looks POSH!")

Crush du Jour: John Mayer (especially after his article in Rolling Stone...mmmm), Alan Cumming, Bam Margera

Happy Thought of the Moment: feelin' un-uggy, cold water, Spice World on DVD, scrapbooking supplies, depositing lots of money, lunch with sistah, fuzzy slippers, Pepe Le Pew jammie bottoms, new Glamour, hot cocoa, cute pix, Gothy me, HAC logo (heh heh--squirrrrel), quote-worthy moments, Bruce Almighty, shiny things, hoodies, roses

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