Night of a Thousand Rings [ June 19, 2006, 10:59 pm ]

Let me just take a moment to say that my friends fuckin' rule. Because? They totally do.

Or maybe it's the fact that I so just needed to hear their voices. Or get a dose of something I've been missing since I've been down in Lansing. Whatever it is, I can't get my dopey grin offa my face!

It began with a "how dumb are boys" talk with my precious wifey. Because if anyone knows dumb boys, it's her. She's the perfect girl to go over minute details of dates with or vent about the latest moronic thing a crush said. She's pretty much my guru for guys. Tonight's phone chat reiterated that times a bazillion. And one.

Then there was a very hyper IM convo with Katie D. Lots of squealing ensued. And many caps locked quotes. And exclamation points! Good GOD the points!!! This Thursday when she comes to visit? Chaos will ensue. Karaoke will be done. Guys won't comprehend the hotness. You have all been warned.

And then, my phone rang out the sweet lyrics that are so beloved by my posse' and me....

"I like big butts and I cannot lie!
You other brothers can't deny!
When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waste
And that round thing in your face
You get sprung!"

Bwa! Ha! Haaa! Yes, talking to another friend rocked, but hearing that ringtone? That just rocks my world. Sir Mixalot! On my phone! Technology is the greatest!

A small snag in the evening came when Em called. Her call rocked my evening because we quoted SpiceWorld for five minutes straight. However, I cut the call short. A call from my best friend! I cut short! Why? Um, because I was watching a very important program called How to Get the Guy. A dating show took precedence over quoting stupid movies with my best friend! Ack! HowEVER, it was a big moment in the show--one of the girls may have found a keeper and he gave her what looked like the most intense kiss in the history of ever. Because some of us live vicariously through these types of t.v. moments, I hung up on Em and Spice Girls quotes.

Yeah, I need my friend license revoked after that one, I think.

Still, it was a good night, friendship-wise. Sometimes I'm so bad at touching base or keeping in touch. I'm under the impression that I'm boring and have nothing to share with my friends when they call to catch up, thus I don't call them. That? That train of thought needs to be derailed and fast. Tonight was a good start for that.

Ciao, dahling!


PS: I am FAR too excited about The Devil Wears Prada coming out at the end of the month. I want to see it. Now. If you're my friend or like me at all, you'll be ringing me up to schedule a movie night. Chick flick! With a commercial that showcases a Madonna song! What more can I ask for???

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