Friends in Low Places [ May 15, 2004, 12:10 pm ]

Did anyone else know that Soul Train was still on the air? More importantly, did anyone ever think that it'd be aired here in the UP? It boggles my mind.

Now I want to dance on this show. Another goal to add to my Life-Long To-Do List....(it's gettin' quite long.)

I was thinking about some of my best friends the other day. It occurred to me that I have five best friends. This doesn't surprise me and I'm definitely not complaining. I had just never really sat down and counted how close my friends are to me.

And I started to think about my relationships to my different friends and how completely different each one is. I love all of my friends and I adore how unique each relationship is. Every friendship has taught me something new and has helped me to broaden my perspective. It's an amazing thing.

At the same time, there are a couple of friendships that mirror each other in a distinct way. I'm an open, out-there person. What you see is what you get with me--you know what I'm thinking and what I'm feeling 99.87% of the time. I'm one of the most easily readable people.

That isn't the case with a couple of my friends. I love them and they're completely fantastic, but most of the time I never know what they're thinking or feeling. It's frustrating. I don't expect them to be as open as me (God, that'd probably be scary), but every once in a while I'd like to know that we're on the same page with opinions and feelings. And I know I'm loved by them but sometimes I feel like I'm taken for granted--and it's only because I can't read them. That's not to say that they don't show me their love in unique ways because they do....I guess I'm just a little irked because I'm a neurotic control freak at times and I can't always read my relationships.

There's really no point to this entry. And there's no way that it won't be reflective and cheesy. I'm just thinking through writing. ("How do I know what I think till I see what I say?") As I said before, I adore all of my friends, especially my best friends: they're funny, loyal and the greatest people in the world. Even the ones that I can't always read. Sometimes I just wish I could read them. It'd be cool to mind-read. But alas, I cannot. So I'll just shut up.

Dammit I have to clean. And unpack. Shush, it'll get done.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Lilo and Stitch the Series

Crush du Jour: the hotties from Troy

Happy Thought of the Moment: getting 10 full hours of sleep, happy dreams, scrapbooking, wonderful friends, naked mole rats, scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, finding fun stuff when unpacking

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