Guys are Icky Poopy Thickheaded Retards [ May 19, 2002, 1:24 pm ]

I'm exceptionally artistic!

Find your soul type at

Yup yup--I am most definitely expressive. For sure. I need to express right now.

I was blaring music all the way home. The funnest was the angry grrr type of music cuz it really felt right for the moment. I'm quite confused and kind of a little sick (not cough-cough sick, but soul-sick, if that makes any sense to you). Guys really do suck. I know that for fact now. Why they just don't say exactly what they're feeling is beyond me. My life would be forever easier if that were the case. I've decided that yes, guys suck. One in particular. Or may it was just a mistake, maybe he tried. Even so, I'm hurt. And don't quite know how to act or what to say. I deserve better than to just wait around for something to happen. I have tried. A lot. Perhaps he just wanted is too dense to figure that out.

I know that I deserve better. I know that I deserve the best that the world has to offer. I deserve roses and romance and fairy tales endings. Don't I? I think so. I really do. And I'm not about to settle. Not when the guy doesn't realize just how fabulous I am.

But I thought he did realize it. This is bad. I just don't know. Told you I was confused. If He's reading this...I'm sorry. I'm not trying to hurt feelings, I just trying to figure out how I feel.

Ciao, dahling!


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