Girl On Verge of BreakDown (maybe...) [ February 17, 2003, 2:16 pm ]


This is Krissy: girl on verge of nervous break-down.

The sad part?

I'm NOT even joking.


The event that could very well set me over the edge? I'm checkin' my grades on WebCT for my computer class (which I'm in right now, by the way)and I see that I got no credit for one assignment. And I know I know I KNOW that I turned it in.

OH GOD--what if I just did completely shitty on the assignment? Oh GOOOODDDD. I'm a loser-failure. I can't even master the easy art of screen capture. GRR.

I HAD to have done good on that assignment. It was 3 friggen steps. GRR. If I failed that easy assignment then I should drop the god-damned RIGHT NOW.


I feel quite stressed and aggressive right now.

My life seems like one big cluster-fuck at the moment. I am so freakin' stressed. I can't even put my finger on one exact thing. It's more like a bunch of things: PR class, the workshop I'm doing, fundraising, being semi-sick, my dad..... dad. THAT was a fun-filled visit on Saturday. I don't really feel like getting into it at the moment, so I'll just say that that man is going to land me in therapy. Thankfully I have smart, insightful friends to get me through my darkest moments. One small detail to all girls though: never ever wear mascara that's not water-proof. Because the moment you do, you'll cry and it'll smudge and you'll look like a Marilyn Manson worshipper. (Which is all fine if you like that look, but I'm more Minnie Mouse than Marilyn Manson, personally.)


Other than that my weekend was semi-uneventful. Saturday night Brett and I got to hang out together. That excites me. I never get to really talk to him unless it's at NAE, so to spend a couple of quality hours with such a fabulous friend was....fabulous. (I think I use that word way too much sometimes.) I finally got my Chinese food--hurrah! Then he finally got to see Chicago--4th time for me, baby! (This time was extra-special because I didn't actually have to pee at any time during the duratin of the movie. Yay for un-full bladders!) So that was niiiiice. Mwah, Brett!

Saturday night was interesting...yeah. I ended up hanging out with my boss (which is par for the course usually) and some of the more hilarious residents of Hunt Hall. It was too funny. We started off just killing time talking in the hall and somehow we all ended up hula hoop-ing it up in WalMart. It was quite fun, for lack of a better word. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a loooong time. I love my residents. They can always make me smile. Yay.

Speaking of laughter....*razz* Yeah--Jamie Kennedy...notso funny. NOT so very impressed with his stand-up. Why why WHYYY do we always bring stoned people to campus? "I'm not stoned--really. I'm just really really tired, folks." Riiiight. He wasn't really funny. Parts of his routine were, but on a whole, it wasn't. He felt the urge to talk to the audience and focus on girls, which made it feel like he was attempting to hit on them in front of 500 people. Charrrrming. *razz* Yeah, so this NAE event wasn't-so-great. At least the rest of the events we're working on will kick ass. Hurrah for upcoming events!!

Shit, I gotta go. We're about to start finding stock stuff online for a spreadsheet. I sooo don't want this entry to get lost, so I'm outtie.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: my prof going on about stocks...

Crush du Jour: too stressed to think of guys...

Happy Thought of the Moment: getting my shit organized, bit hugs, spring-y weather, being a computer goddess (cuz I am, DAMMIT), Pookie coming here Friday, Vagina Monologues Saturday (eee!), upcoming NAE concerts, fun mixes, Chicago, Chicago big production numbers, sleeeep, Made on MTV, SNL, fun quotes, spring break in Chicago (EEEE!! KICK ASS!), Abercrombie models, new Cosmo, fun magazines, snackage runs with Katie, hanging out with fun residents, Vango's waffle fries, Bob's new car (quite fabby)

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