"What if..." [ May 05, 2002, 8:10 pm ]

Things that make me happy today: Ben Affleck (mmmm...he is the epitome of gorgeousness...and he can act too--especially in "Changing Lanes"), decorating my room, pasties (a meat pie, in case ya don't know), rain and the chance of a thunderstorm, scrapbooking, sleeping in really really late, kiddie movies, the fact that "Ocean's 11" comes out on Tuesday on DVD (YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY), my doggy Bella, getting cd's that I've wanted for a long time for half price, having a good hair day, and just being able to hang out.

I am still adjusting to being home. It's kinda nice. It's annoying to have my mom looking over my shoulder all the time, but I love my family so it's all good. I am still not unpacked all the way. Ok, ok, some of my stuff is still in Mom's car. My bad. I actually get to go and haul it in after I'm done here. Can you sense my excitement? Whee...

In other news: Pookie and I saw "Changing Lanes" today. I am officially in love with Ben Affleck. Ooohhh. I drooled the whole movie. It's so good. It made me realize that one moment can change your whole life. And you may end up thinking what if....And it kind of scared me cuz I never want to wonder "what if?" That is one of my biggest fears in life. Thinking that my whole life could've been different if I would have made choice A instead of choice B. It's a mind-blowing thought. Wow.

So yeah, that was my day. How exciting. This is why college is so much better than being here in the middle of butt fucking Egypt: at least my life is alot more chaotic and fun on campus. But like I said, I need to relax and unwind so this will be a nice break.

Until next time....Ciao dahling!


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