More fun than flowers, healthier than chocolate [ February 14, 2006, 12:05 pm ]

"So, any plans for Valentine's Day?"

I've heard that question at least three times in the past twenty-four hours. Each time it's posed, I've thrown my head back and laughed. Not because I'm single. Not because I'm not a fan of the commercialization or the Hallmark-y sentiments. But because of a conversation I had with a friend last week.

We were driving down a road that had a lot of restaurants and shops. EVERY single one of them had an announcement for a Valentine's Day special. Our groans grew louder with each passing sign.

"I HATE this holiday," she announced. I agreed. It's blown out of proportion. I'm all for expressions of love and little tokens of desire, but I don't see the need to shell out $50 for flowers and then another hundred for dinner. Plus, when a person is single on this, the 14th of February, he or she is made to feel like a loser for not settling down, coupling up or just settling for a date.

We continued to moan about the Hallmark holiday, then inspiration struck.

"People want me to have a boyfriend on Valentine's day? Fine. I have a boyfriend. If people ask who I'm spending the day with, I'm telling them that I'm spending hours with the electic boyfriend."

My friend just looked at me, stunned for a second. We burst out laughing. Even if it wasn't true, it would shut people up. Devious, naughty, brilliant.

So, happy Valentine's Day. From me and my battery-powered boyfriend.

Ciao, dahling!


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