Totally Pointless [ May 20, 2004, 7:53 pm ]

Reasons why I still love Lizzie McGuire:

~ the hints about the future relationship between Lizzie and Gordo

~ Matt--he's just hilarious

~ how clever the scripts are when paying homage to movies. They're currently tributing Ghostbusters. Wicked awesome.

~ it's just funny

God bless the Disney Channel.

There were bunnies frolicking outside in the "field" by building 800 a little while ago. Here was me: bunny! BUNNYBUNNYBUNNYBUNNYBUNNYYYYY!!! Yes, I am a dork. But it was so cute. There was TWO bunnies. It made my day.

And I had Border Grill. so that makes me even happier.


This is the most pointless entry ever.

But I'm writing this in leiu of doing laundry because I forgot that I don't have any laundry soap. I am such a domestic goddess.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Lizzie

Crush du Jour: John Mayer

Happy Thought of the Moment: Border Grill, shopping at Target, shiny things, cute boys, relaxing

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