Sleepy Confused Thoughts [ May 15, 2002, 10:37 am ]

HOLY SHIIIIT! Chumbawumba just came on the radio. I haven't heard this song in ages. How funny. Only in the U.P. can you hear one-hit wonders from 5 years ago. (It's "Tub-Thumping" in case you're wondering. What kinda name is that anyways? No wonder they only had this one song...)

So these past couple of days have been all about thinking and reflecting for me. I wish some good would have come out of it. I think I'm more confused now than I was before this whole thing started. I really don't care to get into the details, but those convos that I mentioned in my last entry? Yeah, they play an integral part of the whole soul-searching, answer-seeking process. I just want closure. Or not even closure. I just want to KNOW. You know how sometimes you just have no clue what somebody thinks? That's me right now. I would give ANYTHING to know what this person is thinking. Then I had this dream last night that confused me even more. I am going nuts over here. I need Em! I need SOMEBODY to TALK to. Nobody is here. I talked to Pookie, but she's younger and pretty dumb in sitches like mine so she was nooo help. AHHHHHH!!! I think I need to take a drive. That could help to clear my head. Perhaps I'll go to the root beer stand and get some frozen custard. Maybe.....

I just don't know. I was a mess at work yesterday. I couldn't think clearly. The customers must've thought I was such a ditz. I can't handle drama. Damn. That's a revelation I thought I'd never say. Actually I figured out that I can't handle drama in the summer. Cuz it's all I have to focus on. I deal with it better when I have a thousand other things going on to focus on as well so that it doesn't just sit and my mind and make me focus on only that all day. Does that make sense? Yeah.....

I'm still like half asleep over here. If this doesn't make sense that is why. I just don't know. I need to get my ass moving though. Hopefully I'll have an update later on tonight (if I can get on the internet. GRRR). Until next time....Ciao, dahling!


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