Runnin' Through My Head [ March 29, 2003, 12:56 am ]

What the fuck?!? It's supposed to be spring. It's supposed to be warm. It's supposed to be nice weather.

Instead it's shit outside. Instead of flowers and singing birds we have snowdrifts and howling winds...AGAIN.

I'm not impressed.

It's been snowing since 3 pm yesterday. It started off pretty. The "ooh lookit the cute snowflakes" pretty. Yeah...that soon escalated into "eeeww it's slushy and sticking" snow. Not cool. That icky snow hasn't let up for the past 24 hours.


At times like this I loathe living in the UP.


I'm highly highly distracted at the moment. I'm watching a new Proud Family (eee!) and chatting with peeps.

My mom and sister came down for the day yesterday. I got to eat dinner with them and do a bit of shopping. I don't think that Katy and I are fighting anymore....I don't think. (Oh GOD! PF's soooo funny right now. Hehehe) Mom brought me some fresh nisu (Finnish coffee bread) and homemade jam. Yaaaaaaaay! And she bought me some groceries too. Happiness abounded for me yesterday. I love my mommy. I love seeing her. Yaay. *glee*

I'm such a dork!

yeah...I'm having a philosophical debate online right now. It's kind of entertaining and ironic at the same time. I enjoy my point of view. I always will. I'll live my life to the fullest and I'll always feel sorry for those that who don't. I don't know. I'm highly entertained at the moment by this. It's like 2 am and I'm debating. Is this not what college is all about? :p

(Just a little note: Collin Farrell is one fiiine hottie. Daaamn. *drool*)

(K, another side note--I'm watching a commercial for A Man Apart and they're saying what the critics think. "This will turn Vin into a powerhouse. His acting is gritty and raw and...good." WHATEVER. Vin Diesel couldn't act his way out of a box. And doesn't this movie look like Braveheart set in the ghetto? Why...yes, yes it does!)

I went to see Bowling for Columbine last night. Gonzo brought the film to campus--I was mucho excited since I've heard so much about it. One of the producers of the film used to work here at NMU so he came and spoke on-campus before the movie showed.

Lemme just say...I have NEVER seen so many people crammed into Jamrich 102. There was close to 600 people there--no joke. And you can only seat under 500. The rest were sitting in the aisles and standing behind the seats. It was pretty sweet. The group of friends I was with--yeah, we couldn't even get seats together by the time we got there. It was awesome.

(Ahh! Punk'd is on MTV right now. This is pretty much my new favorite show, even though there's only 2 episodes of it so far. It better not get cancelled!!!)

So yeah, Bowling was quite interesting. I'm ashamed to be from Michigan after watching it, essentially. There's some total wackos that live here. It's quite the intriguing film. Michael Moore made some excellent points with this documentary. I think Americans are totally desensitized to violence. I was watching some of the scenes and I didn't even flinch at the violence. And that totally pissed me off. This shit should be highly disturbing and I barely blinked at it. I'm really disturbed by that. I really need to watch this movie again. I had so many thoughts running through my head during it. I can't even begin to sort out what I was thinking. It's sad that the tragedies have happened and that America is so bloody violent. The movie makes really great points. Yeah...I really need to watch it again.

Aight, I'm gonna go. I need to wake up early, plus "debating" has worn me down. And I wanna watch Punk'd!

Before I go though, I have a hilarious quote: "so do you like the weather???" (hehe--Steve cracks me up.)

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Punk'd--Mandy Moore is so sweet! She seems like such a genuine person. Awww!

Crush du Jour: Collin Farrell

Happy Thought of the Moment: seeing my mommy, fresh nisu, hilarious commercials, icy cold water, sleep, making fun of Vin Diesel (it's just too too easy), possible nose peircing, Punk'd, fun bandaids, debating, Hudson's yummy food, road trip with friends, scrapbooking, Jackass movie, Bowling for Columbine, readings by good authors, SNL book, pretty snow (for the 3 seconds it was doing that), short short classes, The Remedy, snowball fights, fun conversations, bear hugs, intellectual guys

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