My Study Habits...or Lack Thereof [ May 01, 2002, 10:56 am ]

Life is gooooood. So good, so good, I'm going so so so so so so goood. Besides channeling Destiny's Child, I am done with exams. Yay yay yay yay yay!!! I'm beyond psyched. Ok, so I only had 2 exams this semester, but they were both hugely cummulative and notsovery easy. So I think that that makes up for it. Heh heh

Studying last night was a complete and total bitch. I absolutely hate it. I am the worst procrastinator ever. Anything and everything on tv seemed to be interesting to me. From "Fresh Prince" to Austin Powers to "The Osbournes"(My new favoritest show. It kicks ass!!!) I just couldn't concentrate. ANd it didn't help that my roomie decided to get on a phone kick and call 10 of her best friends. Then we got visitors. And I was obssessed with my computer too. I kept hoping that someone would message me, and I wanted to talk to I kept looking at the screen every other second. (This is borderline scariness stalker for me. Ahhh--be afraid.) It just wasn't a good situation. At all.

So me trying to be the good student that I am decided to go to the tv room to study. But I stopped by Megan's room first to see how her studying was going. It wasn't. Her and Mark were just in there talking. And I got sucked right in for nearly an hour. It was a nice little break. Wait--can I even call it a break when I really hadn't even started studying? I conversed with them about everything. I had to tear myself away.

When I finally got to the tv room, though I did study for like 2 and a half hours! Go me!! I am very proud of myself. I think that that is quite impressive. Especially for a boring subject like Political Science. Yuck. At least I'm now done with that class FOREVER. Praise the gods! Hehe

I should go now and get some errands run. Ugh. Errands suck ass. Then I need to do some seriously thinking....or sleeping. Whichever comes first. Until next time...Ciao dahling!


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