PROFILE [ May 27, 2002, 12:39 pm ]

Name: Kristine Elizabeth

Nicknames: Krissy, KiKi, Kissy-Poo

Email: [email protected]

Age: 19--ALMOST 20!! I won't be a teenager for much longer! Eeee!

Year: 15 (College junior)

Sex: Grrrl

Birthday: July 28

Zodiac sign: Leo RAWR!

Living in: At the moment--Chassell, the armpit of nowhereness, in August--MARQUETTE! Yippeeeeeeee

Height: 5'4" if I'm lucky

Hair Color: At the moment it looks uggy brown =/

Eye Color: Grey-ish bluey

Siblings: 1 Sis-tah: Pookie!!!

Fav. Sports: Hockey, soccer, swimming, rock climbing (that's just a personal thingy for me)

Fav. Type of Music: POP!! But I'll pretty much listen to anything except country

Fav. Colour(s): Purple, black (cuz I look good in it), and orange

Biggest Fear: Heights (working on that), spiders (they're just so creepy-uggy), rejection (but I am becoming bolder--I am working on that!)

Things you like in the opposite sex: humor, sensitivity, understanding, intellect, sense of self, motivated, adventurous, open-minded (that's one of the biggies)

Thing you actually should be doing right now: Ummm...showering and cleaning my sty of a room. Hehe

Fav. Place in the world: Hawaii...or basically anywhere that I'm feeling happy and/or blissful (which could pretty much be anywhere)

The worst thing that has ever happened to me: I'd say my parents divorcing, but I think that that actually made me the person I am today, so I can't really be pissed about it. I'm not sure. My life is pretty great!

What am I addicted to: This online diary, Jimmy Fallon, my mom's taco salad--and her cooking in general, John Mayer's cd, chocolate, movies, Ewan McGregor, my car, the sun, SNL, Burger King, Ocean's 11, AIM, perfume, hair gunk ( I really need to stop spending hordes of money on stuff for my hair. Really. :p)

Fav. Scent: Bliss-inducing cologne on a guy. Mmmmmmmm

Word(s) I say a lot: Shut up, fabulous, too funny, kick ass, fun

Key words: outspoken, hyper, loud, feisty, fun-loving, open-minded, caring, heart-on-my-sleeve, very expressive, diva-esque (in the good way), and of course: GODDESS

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