Procrastinating AGAIN [ October 03, 2002, 5:00 pm ]

So I'm bored and I'm mega-procrastinating and stuff, but it's all good. I should be finding stuff for my workshop tonight. But I think I have enough materials for it. I don't want it to go over 20 minutes. I'm just hoping that people actually show UP for the thing. I think I'll consider this thing a success if 5 or 6 people show up. Really. If you live in Hunt--COME TO MY WORKSHOP TONIGHT--8 pm in the lobby. It'll be gooood fun! *grin*

I found some fun quizzes online to add to my amusement and procrastination. heh heh. The return of the quizzes! Hurrah!

Take the What Explosive am I? quiz by Little man icon! Hee hee!PhoenixSpirit001

Umm...I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Whatcha think?

You are Civilian Calvin!
You don't get to travel much outside your neighborhood, but you still manage to get in plenty of trouble. When you're not acting up, you like to wax philosophical.
Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by [email protected]!

Calvin and Hobbes is the greatest comic of all times. I was the female version of Calvin when I was little. Hehehe

You are Pepe Le Pew!

You are a suave skunk who lives for l'amour. You may not always get the girl (or guy), but there are always many more fish in the sea, no?

Take the What Looney Tunes Character are You? Quiz by [email protected]!

EEE! I didn't think I'd get him--I didnt think he was a choice. Pepe is my favorite Looney Toon--bar none. He's the shit. That's me, the hopeless romantic. *grin*

I'm gonna end on a happy note. Plus Em just waltzed in with Harry Potter happiness...Eep!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: Dizzy by the Goo Goo Dolls--his voice sounds mucho sexy in this song....mmmm

Crush du Jour:is it wrong to think that Daniel Radcliffe is a hottie? Cuz he's only like 13. (Then again there's those people who have been in love with the Olsen twins since they were like 10 so, I think I'm good.)

Happy Thought of the Moment: Trail mix, unexpected visits, coconut-flavored coffee (mmmmm), cute guys on campus, my turtleneck sweater, Sierra Mist

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