Office Quickie [ July 30, 2003, 3:43 pm ]

A few quick notes on this rainy, hella-hectic office afternoon:

A.) paperclips make really good hair clippies. Take note, all you working girls out there--if you don't have any hair pins, clips or barrettes on you, paper clips are a definite godsend. Yes yes. Go me for figuring that out. My bangs are thanking me at the moment.

B.) poor Julia Gulia--she's been imaging documents all day. Every time she thinks she's caught up, we look at the baskets and they're full again. GAAAH. Poor her. And pity me a bit too for I have to do all the quality checking. My eyes are gonna be shot to pot after tomorrow afternoon.

C.) I stomp my foot when I'm impatient. I discovered it this afternoon. I've reverted back to the three-year-old hellion in me. Nice. charming. It's actually kinda funny. Yeah.

D.) BollyWood music ROCKS. It's a total motivator when you're stressed and just want to go home. Yeah. Now Julie's inspired to dance like a sea-snake...whatever that is. See? This music inspires you. *glowing loving glance at Spinner Radio(

E.) I had a scary encounter at the UC during my lunch break--I saw Brett, Mo-Mo and company! Brahaha! Just kidding, guys. Much love to you all. Mwah! No actually.

I was gonna eat my lunch on the couches on the 2nd floor and just chill and watch Comedy Central or something instead of eating in my little cube of an office. So I go over to the couches--the area looked TOTALLY empty, by the way--and sink into them, thinking about how nice it is for the change of scenary.

Then I hear a rustling sound to my right.

So I look over to my right.

I think I had a run-in with Smeigl.


There was this tiny, old wrinkly woman crunched down between a couch and an armchair, in a fetal position. Really old. Really wrinkly. Big ears.

And she had goggles on too.

And she was licking a cool whip container, surrounded by Wal-Mart bags.


I was a little freaked out at my homeless Smeigl sighting, so I kinda hurried on outta there.

Gaah! I gotta get these appeals done. I only have half an hour. Lord help me.


Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Tall Cool One" by Robert Plant--Yay 80s music!!!!!!!

Crush du Jour: Mark McGrath

Happy Thought of the Moment: thunderstorms, paper clippy hair goodness, ice water, free bagels courtesy Christine, quizzies, Shammy tonight, movie star glasses

I look over

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