Birfday Wind-Down [ July 30, 2003, 12:48 pm ]


My birthday's done and over with.

And I can happily report that I did NOT have a hangover the day after.

Lalala--life is gooood.

I'll do a quick rundown of what my "friends" made me drink.

~ Labatt pint (not bad, but it was beer--YUCK)

~ Jaegger-Bomber--but it wasn't a true one, the bartender made it with a pint of Milwaukee Best. It was sooo nasty. My friends were quite impressed that I downed it though, so that made me proud.

~ Long Island Ice Tea--hella good, but I cried when Joe bought it for me cuz I knew it was strong shit and I didn't wanna get toasted before dinner. I drank most of it anyway. Haha

~ Chocolate martini--kinda icky, wasn't too into it, so I downed more water than anything at dinner. Which proved to be a smart move cuz of the non-effects the next morning.

~ Rum and coke--a favorite of mine

~ Raspberry kamakazi shot--mmmmm, good, but strong. I drank it cuz the cute bartender gave it to me.

~ Blow job shot--fun, but it wasn't served in a shot glass, it was served in a wider shorter glass, so I had a hell of a time trying to fit my mouth around it. yes yes--my mouth wasn't big enough. I can't believe I just said that....

~ Red-headed slut shot--good, strong, fun

~ Rumple Minze shot--I still don't know what exactly this is except it was really really minty strong. I think this is what started to get me sloshed. Gah.

~ Blue motherfucker--it's like a long-island but with Blue Schnapps instead of Coke. Very yummy. I was kinda gone by then so I just referred to it as the "smirfy thing."

~ Amaretto Sour--girly drink, but SO good. Now a favorite of KiKi's.

~ Malibu and Rum--this was Joe's but I tried it and liked it so much I ended up drinking most of it. Yummmmm. My most recommended drink.

I think that's all I had. It spanned over a good 7 hours, so it wasn't too bad at all. I just wanted to try a lot of drinks. And I did. Go me.

I was pretty nicely toasted by midnight so I went home. I could've probably bar-hopped but I didn't. Oh well.

It was nice. I got to spend time with my friends. It was definitely my best bday ever. For sure. It's too bad that my bday fell on a Monday--it was such a shoddy day to party on. A lot of my friends were busy so they couldn't come out. That made me sad and kinda made me feel like a loser at the bar at first, with just Joe (who dressed in drag--after a couple of drinks that didn't matter so much though--hehe), but in the end, it was all good. And I have plans to meet up with a bunch of friends to party it up tonight at quarters to it's all good.

Yup yup--life is goooood.

And I'm not turning into a lush, for those of you who may be concerned. (And I know there are a couple of you. I just KNOW. I'm fine. It's my 21st bday--what am I supposed to do? Stay at home and watch tv? It's all good. *grin*)

Aight, lunch time. I have more reflections and catching up to do later.

Ciao for now, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Pony" by Ginuwine

Crush du Jour: random hottie I saw yesterday while shopping

Happy Thought of the Moment: not a lot of packing to do, cleaning, bday fun, silly pix, fun frames, shopping at Target, new shoes (this weekend!!!), fun at work, play-doh, Lizzie board game, mashed potatoes, cold water, quiet office this afternoon, seeing friends, sleeeep, Coffee and Kung Fu, flip flops, manicure, Friends season 1 on DVD, heart-felt convos, Skyy Blue, Togos, Tomb Raider 2

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