Some Enchanted Evening... [ April 04, 2004, 3:18 am ]

Gaaaah! theory, this was supposed to be a good night. After my shift, that is. Mark and I were going to go to the Matrixx and dance the night away.

Steph, Erin, Mark and I were all psyched to go.

Warning #1 that it may not be the perfect night: Bob was the DD and was quite the cranky one at that. I wasn't going to let that bother me.

Warning #2 that it may not be the perfect night: the line outside the Matrixx was MASSIVE. Huuuugely long. Guys kept swearing and leaving the line. After 20 minutes of waiting in the cold, Steph decided that it was worth it, so we hiked it to the Shammy.

Or past the Shammy. It was D-E-D DEAD in there. Sooo dead. You could see the tumbleweeds rolling on the floor. So we surpassed the Shammy and went to the UpFront--you can't go wrong when there's free cover for ladies, correct?

Umm...not really. I got a massive Amaretto Sour for $2 so that was happy for me. Too bad the band annoyed the fuck out of us. And too bad hippies were crawling all around. Definitely a crunchy night at the UpFront. Not my scene, definitely.

At one point the bad band had the drunken hippies limboing. That was when we decided to call our beloved Bob to go home.

The only highlight from Hippie-Fest '04 was that I saw the cutie from my Non-Fiction class. Mmm--happiness.

When we ran to meet Bob, we saw that there was no line to get in the Matrixx. Mark really wanted in, so I stayed with him to dance. Too bad the bouncers wouldn't let us in. As he was telling us this, we saw our ride head up the hill. Gaah.

Abandoned in downtown Marquette in 20 degree weather is NOT so fun.

To survive the ickiness, I made the executive decision to go to Remie's--no cover, and I'd never been there. Plus poor Mark had no coat so we had to do something.

Note to self: never go to Remie's unless you're really drunk and ambience doesn't matter or unless you're a Yooper with no fashion sense whatsoever. Those are the only ways that this place could EVER suffice. EVER.

I couldn't look around the scuzziness of the place because every time I tried some skeezy guy would try to make eye contact with me. Not good.

It was dim and smoky and "American Pie" and "Marguarita-Ville" were the apparent themes that kept blaring. Ugh.

The highlight of the evening was when I spotted a girl clinging on to a male blow-up doll. Charming.

There was also quite a lot of spanking that went on in the twenty minutes we were there.

I'm scarred for life.

Lord, I need to go to bed. I gotta wake up early and meet Mommy for brunch before the Mortar Board induction. Fun fun.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: VH1

Crush du Jour: John Mayer, Jimmy Fallon, cute doctor boy

Happy Thought of the Moment: Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind,Walmart runs, amaretto sours, grilled cheese, my KiKi bear, quality time with Erin, warm hoodies, empowering myself with new auto knowledge, finding my High Fidelity book (yay!), fun John Mayer weekend pix, Mary Kay parties, Satin Hands, cold cereal

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