Mooooving.....Kind of [ May 02, 2003, 6:07 pm ]

My god I am so tired right now. Serves me right I guess for staying up late so many nights in a row. But I had a good reason--my damn Creative Writing portfolio needed to get done.

Ding dong, my 'folio's done!


I'm excited.

And I finished my end-of-the-year AP report this afternoon, too, so you know what that means?

This, my friends, means that I am officially done for the year.


It's summer for me.'ll be summer for me once I finish moving into the apartment. That won't really happen until Monday.

BUT--I did start packing today! Yaaay! I invested in some storage boxes to haul my desk shit and my books. Lemme tell YOU--books ain't light. At all. Actually with the amount of hardcover books I have, they were quite heavy. I thought the box was gonna bust as I lugged it up the stairs. Not cool. But the box and me survived so it's all good. I kind of set up the bed room a bit. I'm pumped. It looks goooood. Bob invested a lot in Ikia when he went furniture shopping. That means that the furniture in my room looks gooood. Yay for gay men's taste. Can I get a hallelujah?!!!!!


So yeah, my books are all set up. I'm going to kill that boy, though, because he left sooo much of his shit in the closet. I have like NO closet space. No worries, I WILL fix it when I settle in early next week. Heh heh And I will decorate a bit too. Some of my black and white posters will go on the walls. room and my apartment will be kickin. Woohoooo

Haaa! I love SNL. "I am Batman." The Jeopardy skits are the best. One of those was just on. Hehe

Aight, I should really go. I need to direly clean up before I go hang out with Miss Dinkel. I'm pumped--GIRLY NIGHT!!!! We're going to see The Lizzie McGuire Movie. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this to come out?!? Hmm....ever since I found out it was being made about a year ago. And I've really been lookin' forward to it since the whole Gordo-Lizzie sitch has developed in January. I was nearly dying during the E-zine, mystery party and yearbook episodes. They so just need to hook up. It wasn't fair for Disney to air those great great episodes in the beginning of the semester and then not release the movie until the end of the semester. I've been dyyyyying. But I'll find out what happens to fabulous Lizzie in nearly an hour. Hehehehe. And bonus--previews! I'm pumped to see what trailers for this summer will be shown.

Don't even get me started on how many movies I'm gonna be going to see this summer: X2, Charlie's Angels 2, Legally Blonde 2, Finding Nemo, Tomb Raider 2, Pirates of the Carribbean, Bruce Almighty, Down with Love, Matrix Reloaded...Yeah, Em and I have this continuing list of all the movies we're gonna go and see--it's past a dozen I think. Craziness...

K, I need to go. Yay for Lizzie!!!!!

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: The Ladies Man skit on SNL--Matthew Perry hosts with musical guest Oasis ("How big are you?" "about 210 pounds." "Yeah...that's big. I wasn't expecting you to say anything over 130. What you need to do is avoid anything food related. Here's to you, big woman. I love you, but NOT in the sexual way.")

Crush du Jour: Jimmy Fallon

Happy Thought of the Moment: Lizzie movie, reading to kids, warm fuzzies in the elementary school (totally reminiscing), SNL, finally moving stuff, Rexy, great residents, summer plans, my new celly, talking to my mom, good talks with my mentor, bowling, funky bowling shoes, good hair day, done with portfolios, A in Campaigns, quality time with staff and friends, cute pix

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