Monday Madness [ November 17, 2003, 2:42 pm ]

A mere ten feet away from me sits a hot guy. Not just any hot guy, but the hot guy from ToGo's that I've been drooling over for over a year.


I'm just a little pumped about this. And it was so cute cuz it looked like he was sleeping when he was supposed to be studying.

Oooh--he awakens.

God I'm a dork.

Oh--AND I've had an epiphany this weekend.

I realized that I, Krissy, have no ass.

How this can be I do not know since I have quite the curvacious hips.

But no ass.

I want a booty!

This realization came when I was romping down the stairs in my brand new pink Pepe Le Pew jammie bottoms (courtesy of wonderful Target) when they slid off my bottom half all-together.

It's a good thing that it was later at night and all my residents were either in the lobby, drunk and passed out, or home for the weekend.

Yay for that.

Boo for me not having an ass though.




ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar FAntasy To: jazzy Starbucks music

Crush du Jour: the hottie sitting sooo close

Happy Thought of the Moment: jammie pants, hotties, fun interviews, lots of sleep, funky sunglasses, hugs, feeling creative, being inspired, 50-degree weather, concert this week, Al Franken tomorrow (!!)

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