Multiple Choice [ November 16, 2003, 11:40 pm ]

I just remembered like 3 gabillion things I could be doing as I began to get to the site to type this: clean, fold laundry, do dishes, critique 3 more stories, do something nice for my boss (hehe), think up questions for an interview tomorrow, post and make more signage.


Why am I writing in here again.

Oh yeah.

Shopping was hella hella hella fun. (I love the word hella. Don't it make you think of that South Park episode? Hehe.) It was such a perfect girly bonding trip. It was all four girls from Hunt. I'm so happy Katie and Michelle came. I really feel like I bonded with them more because of this.

Highlights of the trip include:

*Chrissy's crazy driving with me screaming "oh god we're going to die" while Katie hit her head in fear (she hit her head every time she was scared--she hit it 8 times in all)

*us aww-ing over every single baby or toddler in the mall--there was like 3.4 million kids there, I swear. Our biological clocks are ticking

*Chrissy's head massage from a funky metal spider-looking thingy--and a hot guy functioning it!

*spending gobs of money on ourselves

*lots of boy talk and boy-bashing

*yummy dinner and desert at Chi-Chi's (a new favorite of mine)

*New Katie Geiter quotes:

Oooh! I love that place! I went there all the time...before I moved from eighth grade.

Red Hots? Yeah I don't like those--they make my mouth

*French manicures--yay for having extra time on our hands while Katie and Michelle hunted for someone!!!

*Michelle in the men's bathroom at a rest-stop cuz she couldn't wait for the ladies room to be open...poor girl.

Yeah, it was a good day. We all agreed that it was one of the best days we'd all had all semester. There wasn't any cattiness, pettiness, insecurity--nothing negative at all. It was just a lot of laughter and happiness the whole way there, back and in-between.


The one thing I discovered though, which is kinda sucky (and now I'm paranoid about). I'm the only girl now--and pretty much the only Hunt-er--without a significant other or even a prospect.

What really pisses me off isn't this fact, but the fact that I'm pissed off about it and feel kinda sick and grumpy whenever I think that I'm the only true single one on staff now. There was like 2 people with a sig. other at the beginning of the year. And now--everyone either has a crush or crusher or crushee or boyfriend or girlfriend or something.

I have a couple of theories about this:

A: I'm so empowered that people admire me and want me to just be the "single empowered chick" forever (which I wouldn't mind so long as I got a cape and some cool stilletos as part of my costume)

B: I'm just so cute and friendly that everyone assumes that I have someone so nobody either bothers to crush on me or attempt to make a move

C: My hair and loud voice just scare off the cute boys--this can especially be true on girly nights out when shots of Jager and/or Long Islands are involved

D: I am in all true-reality, an ogre whom nobody will ever truly love until I find a talking donkey and some enchanted royalty.


Or it could be E: I'm obsessing way too much and I should just shut up and get on with my fabulous glamorous life of cleaning and AP-ing.

Double humph

I'm just grumpy tonight I think. Even after a fabu weekend I am now grumpy. But that may be because of the chores I need to accomplish before 2 am.


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Home Life" by John Mayer (EEE!! 12 days till I see him in concert!!!!!!!!)

Crush du Jour: John Cusack, Ed Norton

Happy Thought of the Moment: the whole shopping thing with my girls, road trip mixes, old-school music, car dancing, flirting with cute drivers on the freeway, rest-stops, old-school bottles of pop, Chi-Chi's, Old Navy spree, hugs, scrapbooking shops, time away from campus, french manicures, roses, grilled cheese, wonderful HAC peeps, great friends, goth girl, pj pants, sleeping waaay in, cartoons, margaritas, Gap perfume,, Tinkerbell, considerate residents, "genetically blessed" staffers (haha)

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