Am I Missing Something Here??? [ October 28, 2003, 9:35 am ]

"Something is very wrong with this picture. What the hell are we doing wrong???"

~Erin at the drag show, after seeing a large smelly girl snuggling with her boyfriend. (She was referring to the obvious fact that smelly girl--who has a butch haircut, fyi--has a boyfriend and us fabulous two girls do not.)

I don't get romance. I don't get love. And when I say get, I don't mean I don't have it--which I don't. I mean I don't understand it.

I just know that a boyfriend right now would be so nice.

I see all my residents all hooking up and snuggly with each other and it's really sweet. Even all my gay guy friends have boyfriends now.

I think it's just some kind of plague with my girlfriends and I--my boss, Em, Erin, Linz and I are all single without any prospects. It kinda sucks.

It's late fall, it's my favorite freakin' season. I'd like to share my joy with someone (besides all of my fabulous friends). And it'd be really nice to cuddle.

I'm feelin' slightly lonely right now, in case ya couldn't tell.

I guess it just baffles me that some girls have guys and here I am, still guy-less. I'm cute, dammit! I'm funny! And fun! And caring. And I don't smell and I have good hair. One would think that I'd be prime girlfriend material.

One would think.


I guess I really just am walking contradiction.

But on the bright side, I guess I could say that I don't have to go through all the stress of wondering if my guy is loyal and then going through the crappiness that is a break-up.

But I don't want to be optimistic, I just want a guy! Boo.

K, I have too much to do to sit here bitching.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Another Postcard" by BNL

Crush du Jour: cutie from Mission Improvable

Happy Thought of the Moment: "slideshow" skit with M:I and Bob, laughing till my stomach hurts, stickers (!!!), fall weather, costume coming together, Rexy feeling better, flip flops, waking up in the shower, good feedback from residents, finding my Fall mix cd (yay!), Spice girls, cozy sweaters, clean room, good study guides, fiction story ideas

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