Connection in an Isolating Age [ September 27, 2006, 9:27 pm ]

Today I turned a new corner on my endless journey to dork-hood. And I may never go back.

And why? Because I have met fellow diaryland-ers. And because I thought they were cool and I want to grow up to be just. Like. Them! Not that that's a bad thing.

Yes, I've met other people from online, namely MySpace. But I'd never met anyone that I'd become friends with via this blog. There's many people I'd love to meet and have drinks with and be friends with. Sadly, they live in all sorts of crazy places like Florida and California and England and South America.

Luckily. Luckily! Luckily, one of the coolest bloggers happens to be a MidWesterner like moi. And he just so happened to be in Michigan this week on a business trip.

We've been online friends for...a year? Two years? Um, something like that. I never thought I'd enjoy reading anything written by a family man from Indiana, but guess what? I do! A lot. His blog is snarky and intelligent and sarcastic and fun. He's pretty much the coolest dork in d-land.

So when he said that we should meet for lunch because he'd be passing through Lansing, my first thought was Gleee! And then immediately I got anxiety. Oh god. I am NOTHING like I am on my blog or MySpace. I'm a huge dork! He thinks I'm like all cool and stuff. But I'm not! This is going to be horrible! ACK!

And so there was nerves.

And I woke up to the nerves. Today I meet Scott! Ooh! And Project Runway's on! But first! Meeting Scott! Yay! Ack! Yay! Aaack!

I also awoke to a massive mound of a zit on the bridge of my nose. Because clearly my skin wanted to make an impression on my new friend. No amount of makeup would cover it. At all. And when I thought I'd succeeded? No no--it rubbed off within ten minutes.

And so I worked. And I waited. And the moment of wreckoning drew closer. "I'm so nervous!" I whined to my coworkers. "What if he thinks I'm a loser? He thinks I'm some cool girl and I'm SO NOT. And what if we don't like each other? Then we're stuck making small talk all through lunch. That would suck. Oh god! You guys! I suck!"

The Time finally came. I almost didn't want to walk through the restaurant door. But then I did. And I saw Smed smiling and waving. And I knew all would be fabulous.

And then I tripped. And laughed. And he laughed. And I knew I'd found a new friend. (Because all my friend laugh with me, they're not really a friend if they don't.)

On his blog, Scott's funny and rambling and smart and sarcastic. In real life? He's all that plus a million. It's awesome.

And then? Then I met a new friend. (Or at least I think she's a new friend. I may have scared her off with my big mouth.)

And we laughed. And lunched. And talked about blogging and music and (gasp!) sex and life and traveling and everything else that matters in life. Or as much as people can talk about in an hour.

And so the moral of this story? Diaryland-ers are the coolest. And despite nerves and zits and dorking out, friends can be made. And to think that some people think that blogging is just a silly hobby that goes nowhere.

Ciao, dahling!


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