Longest Survey EVER [ January 30, 2003, 5:46 pm ]

***Note: I started this long-ass survey in my computer class, and I'm just getting around to completing it right now. This definitely qualifies as the longest survey EVER! Enjoy!**

Here's why I LOVE being at NMU--we get laptops and fast internet connections to use during boring classes. I'm in my computer class and it's boring as all hell. But again, I have found a survey. So guess what?? Hehe. SURVEY TIME!!! *gringringrin*

What time is it: 2:37 pm

What is the date: January 29, 2003

Full Name: Kristine Elizabeth

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Birthday: July 28

Where do you live: Marquette, MI

Where else have you lived: Ummm...the Keweenaw. Ugh.

What state: Just Michigan. My life is so sadly boring

What subdivision: Huh? The UP don't have sub-divisions!

Zodiac Sign: Leo!

What school do you go to: Northern Michigan University

What is your mascot: Willy the Wildcat

What are your school colors: Green and Gold (charming--they're Packer colors too. Bleeech)

What year are you: Junior

Nicknames: We've been through this before...

Do you have any other screen names: Nope, just my one!

What are they: See above

Where were you born: Ishpeming

What hospital: Bell Memorial

What are your hobbies: reading, hanging out with friends, watching movies, listening to music, socializing, napping, acting dorky, talking, anything non-athletic...

Are you religious: Umm...no

What religion are you: Lutheran

Hair color: Reddish orangish--my hair has moody-colour days.

Ever died your hair: When haven't I??

What color: All shades of red

Hair length: short and spikey--think of Kelly Osbourne during Season 1--before her rockstar phase

Eye color: Blue with a gray touch

Height: 5'4"

Weight: :p

Have any pets: A suicidal fish (for real!)

Whats their names: Hebert J

Siblings: Yeah

Names and age: Katy, she's 18

What do you fear most in the world: dying alone and unloved....or heights

What do you regret the most: Heh. I regret not the things that I have done, but those I have not done! (or something like that...)

If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: Rob Tiffanys

Do you have braces: Nope

Do you have glasses: Yeah and they're cute. I should really wear them more often...

Are you good at school: I suppose so. I mean my GPA's good, if that's any indicator

Shoe size: around 7 and 1/2


Car: Mine! Rexy my 1993 Grand Am

Color car: Red or deep blue

Color: Purple or orange

Teacher: Wally! He's the best prof!

Class: Any of my PR (except research methods--groooan) or writing classes

Day of the week and why: Thursday, the start to my college weekends. Yum

Holiday: Christmas or Halloween

Season: Fall

Month: Ummm...I like September a lot

Fruit: Pear

Veggie: Green Peppers or baby carrots

Sport: Soccer or NMU hockey

Sports team: hockey Wildcats or Red Wings!!!

Male Athlete: I don't care!

Female Athlete: Once again--I don't care!!!

Movie: Moulin Rouge, Lilo and Stitch, Swingers, Princess Diaries, Chicago, Lion King, Charlies Angels, Swingers, Ever After....the list goes on and on

Actress: Sandra Bullock, Drew Barrymore, Renee Zellweger

Actor: Alan Cumming, Jimmy Fallon (hehe)

T.V. show: SNL

Web site: Don't have one really

Food: Thanksgiving dinner or Mom's taco salad

Drink: Pepsi or Strawberry Crush--hell, anything with caffeine really

Band: NSync

Male singer: John Mayer!!!

Female singer: Nelly Furtado or Norah Jones or Tori Amos currently

Animal: Penguin--can you say "cuuuute"

Store: Borders

Video rental store: Blockbuster

E-mail buddy: Wah? Probably Emily! Hehe

Joke: don't have one

Saying: shut up

Word: Fabulous

Brand of shoes: Sketchers!!!

Radio station: WUPX, probably. Its the only station I listen to in my room!

Room in your house: My room--it's the only room duh!

Concert you have been to: Oh GOD! Tori Amos was sooo amazing!

CD: I'm partial to my mixes I make. But I adore John Mayer's cd A LOT.

Salad: Taco!! Or the kind I make at the Den with raspberry vinagarette and turkey and cheese. Yum!

Meat: Beef

Pizza Topping: Pepperoni or bacon

State: Hawaii

City: Ann Arbor

Lake: Superior

Ocean: I've only seen the Pacific Ocean so I'll go with that!

Place to be: Anywhere with the people I love....or curled up in bed.

Smell: guy's cologne--mmmmm

Sound: "SNOW DAY!!!"

Taste: hot chocolate or cheesecake (I'm big on sweets, obviously!)

Feeling: the first level of a crush, where you feel all giddy, like you can fly and change the world and you're all charged up and hyper for days on end, just by thinking of your crush.

Letter: I like "Z"

Number: 3

Book: Kissing In Manhatten

Vacation spot: Hawaii

Grandma: I love both my grandmas!

Grandpa: Grandpa Manninen kicked serious ass. I still miss him today...

Cereal: Kix, Crispix or Apple Jax

Ice cream flavor: Half Baked or Mint Chip

Video game: Ahaha--that damn emogame (Todd!!!)

Cookie flavor: White chocolate Macadamia Nut

Flower: I'm a traditionalist--rose. But I adore Chrysanthemums as well.

**Not So Favorites**

Car: any one that conks out on you (can we say "lancelot??")

Color: lima bean green

Teacher: Ummm.....don't really have one. OH NO--Wait, Ilnicky sucked ass at teaching history. Avoid his classes at all costs!!!

Class: Math. Uuurrrggh

Day of the week and why: Mondays kinda suck. Weekend hangovers are no fun

Holiday: holidays are all fun--except Valentines Day. Damn the Hallmark Holidays!!!!

Season: Winter--7 months of snow is waaay too long.

Month: January.

Sport: Baseball or Golf--snooooore

Sports team: Packers or anything from Tech

Male Athlete: don't care

Female Athlete: don't care

Movie: Jeepers Creepers and AI. I will never get the hours from watching those movies back!! *tear* They both sucked sooo bad.

Actress: Claire Forlani bugs me to no end

Actor: VIN DIESL (He CANNOT act!)

T.V. show: don't really have one

Web site: don't have one

Food: I kinda hate chilli

Drink: I'll drink nearly anything.

Band: I'm sorry, but I think RadioHead sucks.

Male singer: anyone country (except Tim!!)

Female singer: anyone country

Animal: Ummmm...rats are icky

Store: don't have one

Video rental store: impartial

E-mail buddy: don't have any

Joke: any of my dad's dumb jokes

Saying: When anyone tells ME to shut up

Word: Ummm.....don't have one

Brand of shoes: I like shoes!

Radio station: anything that plays country music.

Room in your house: I only have ONE ROOM

Concert you have been to: Uhhh....some of the smaller concerts I've been to haven't been so stellar.

CD: any country cd!! (except Tim)

President: don't care....

Salad: Just plain salad, with maybe cucumbers.

Meat: Pork isnt too high on my list.

Pizza Topping: anchovies

State: any of the boring ones

City: does Chassell count??

Lake: Huh?

Ocean: Don't care

Place to be: in a boring class

Smell: BO or passed gas

Sound: screaming or crying

Taste: sour

Feeling: Abandonment

Letter: what???

Number: N/A

Book: 4 Blondes SUUUKCED

Vacation spot: the UP

Grandma: not cool--I love my grandmas!

Grandpa: I loved my grandpas too!

Cereal: Peanut Butter Captain Crunch

**Word Association**

Banana: Monkey

Bill: Clinton

Britney: Justin

Lamb: cute!

Bubba: Bubba Gump shrimp

Victoria: Posh spice

Dildo: I think of my gay friends...

Ass: J.Lo

Shadow: Peter Pan

Beep Beep: Who got the keys to my Jeep? Vrooom!

Moo: Cow!!! Yay!

Bambi: childhood


Friends: Got some of those!

Best friend: Em, my mom, Christy, Hannah, Sierra

Spend most time with: Em or Christy and Todd

Best house: Don't really know. Heather maybe?

Funniest: Em!!

Smartest:Heather's gonna 4. all through Tech, I'm sure

Hottest: Whatcha talkin' bout? We're all hottt!

Strongest: Hannah--especially when she's through with boot camp!

Most athletic: Megan and her damn gymnastics! ;)

Knows you the best: Em and Christy

Most outgoing: Too many are outgoing, too hard to say

Most shy: Em

Always negative: TODD--just cuz he ALWAYS has to disagree with me!

Which one let the dogs out: Huh?

Most trustworthy: All of them

Most fun to be with: All of them again!

Biggest flirt: Megan

Best dressed: Me! (Just kidding...I dont really know--probably any of my gay guy friends.)

Best eyes: Christy

Most depressed: Nobody I don't think....

One to gossip with: Christy

Sweetest: Sierra

Most annoying: I don't have annoying friends, they probably all get annoyed with me!

Who follows you: Noone

Who do you follow: Noone

Who do you pretend to like but cant stand: This soo doesn't apply to me.

Do you make friends easily: I'd like to think so!

Are you intimidated by any of your friends: Not that I can think of...

If u were stranded on a desert island then who, out of your friends, would u want to be there with u: Em!!

Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: All of my friends

Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: No clue, but I hope that somebody would!

Who is the most popular: No clue

Who is the most unpopular: No clue

Who do u want to go to college with: Wha?!? I'm in college already, so this doesn't apply

Who is the biggest junk food junkie:

Christy and I get the munchies a lot together

Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: Brett

Who do u think has the nicest siblings: No idea

Who do u think has the nicest mom: Emily--her mom is my 2nd mom!

Who do u think has the nicest dad: Ahh...

Who do you have the most inside jokes with: Duh--Emily

**This or That**

Sox or Cubs: Don't caaaaare.

Breakfast or Dinner: Both!

Day or Night: Night please!

Radio or Cd's: Cds

Internet or Phone: Internet--I'm so addicted

N'sync or BSB: NSYNC!!!

98 degrees or O town: Eew! Neither

Happy or sad: Happyyyyy

Guy or girl: I'd rather be a girl, thankyouverymuch!

Sexy or Cute: Cute

Tuff or wimpy: Tough!

Strong or weak: Strong

Funny or hilarious: Hilarious

Summer or winter: Summer

Love or lust: Love

Friends or family: Both

Car or truck: Rexy my car

Dog or cat: both

Give or receive: both!

Sex or no sex: No sex, cuz that's just how it's always been for me! ;)

Walk or run: Walk--why rush?

Inside or outside: Inside

Up or down: Up

In or out: In

Back or front: Front

Hurricane or Tornado: Thunderstorm!!!

Thunder or lightning: Both!

Rain or snow: Rain

Hail or sleet: Hail

Sunny or cloudy: Sunny

Loud or quiet: Loud!!!!

Hard or soft: Soft

Mcdonalds or Burger king: BK--gotta be the fries

Hardee's or Arby's: EEWW! Neither

Rebel or goodie goodie: I'm such a goodie-goodie

Coffee or tea: Caffeine!!!

Coke or pepsi: Pepsi

Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper: Dr Pepper.

White chocolate or normal chocolate: White, but I won't refuse normal!

Britney or Christina: Britney

Black or white: Black

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Diary or journal: Diary

Writing or typing: either--both can help channel my creativity

Cold or hot: warm

Pen or pencil: Pen

Candle or insence: Candles!

Plain paper or lined paper: Lined

Blonde or brunette: dark hair rules!

Curly or straight: Straight, but I'd like curly hair!

Blanket or sleeping bag: blankie

Shower or bath: Bath, if I have the time

Body wash or soap: Body wash

Purfume or Body spray: Perfume

Wal-mart or target: Ooohh! Target is my mecca!

American Eagle or Abercrombie: American Eagle--Abercrombie is overprices

Hamburgers or hotdogs: hamburgers

Great america or Universal studios: Either

Pochahontas or Mulan: MULAN!!!

Swimmer's ear or ear infection: Neither!

Pop tart or toaster strudels: strudels

Chicken or turkey: Turkey

MTV or VH1: MTV!!!

Shorts or pants: comfy jeans

Tank tops or t-shirts: either's good

Mandy moore or Jessica simpson: Mandy all the way!

Spanish or German: Spanish

Rich and dumb or Poor and smart: For me? Poor and smart--you'll get farther I think.

Markers or colored pencils: colored pencils

Boxers or briefs: Boxers

Nike or Adidas: Adidas

Mercedes or BMW: Mercedes

Army or Navy: Navy--Hannah!

Orange or grape: Orange

Lime or lemon: Lemon

Striped or plaid: Striped, plaid's too yooperish

Innie or outie: Innie

Hot tub or sauna: Hot tub

Land or water: Water

Sneeze or cough: Sneeze

Skittles or M&M's: M&M's

Truth or dare: Dare!

East or west: Don't care--where's the most fun?

North or south: South--warmer!

Letterman or leno: Leno

SNL or mad tv: SNL SNL SNL!!!

Drummers or guitar players: Drummer

**How Would You Spell It?**

Megan or Meghan: Megan

Lacey or Lacy: Lacey

Steven or Stephen: Stephen--it just looks cooler

Kurt or Curt: Kurt

Mark or Marc: Marc

Brandi or Brandy: Brandi

Eric or Erik: Erik

Corrine or Carine: Corrine

Kari or Carrie: Kari--love unique spellings

Jackie or Jackqui: Jackie

Deseray or Desirae: Desirae

Ashley or Ashleigh: Ashleigh--it sounds more sophisticated

Their or there: depends on how you're using it!!

Two, too, or to: see above!

Here or hear: see above again!

**Love Life**

Do you have a crush: oooh yeah

Whats his or her name: Sex God *grin*

How old are they: Ummm...20ish?

How long have you liked him or her: awhile...(nearly a year on and off)

If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: Jimmy Fallon!

If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: Jimmyyy

What is the biggest turn off: no personality

What is the biggest turn on: humor

Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: dumper

Do you think there is a person for everyone: Oh yes--ya gotta keep the faith!

If yes, do you know who yours is: No idea, hoping SG, but you never know!

Where is the best place to be kissed: Location wise or body-wise? Under the stars, on the lips

Where is the most romantic place to take a date: Ummmmm.....anywhere at night

Do you believe in love at first sight: YES!!

Have you ever been in love: Not yet

What do you think love is: I'm too dazed and bored to define it right now.

Do you have a b/f or g/f: Nope

Do you want one: Uh huh

How long have you been together: N/A

What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: Ahaha--I think he's funny and cute. And that's all that matters.

When was your first kiss: Hehe


First grade teacher's name: Don't remember!

Last word you said: boring.

Last song you sang: I Move On from Chicago soundtrack

Last meal you ate: do chips and Pepsi count? Cuz that's all I've eaten today!

Favorite childhood cartoon: Rainbow Brite or Pound Puppies or CareBears

What did you hate most about skool: getting up early

Last person you flipped off: I think Em for making a snide comment yesterday

Last song stuck in your head: All the Things She Said by TATU

What line/verse: All the things she said, All the things she said, running through my head, running through my head.....

Last time you were burned: Last summer

How: Stupid sun

Last time you bled: last week from a paper cut

Favorite game show as a child: Ummm....Price is Right, just cuz I watched it with mom


What's in your CD player: a mix cd I made last night, Chicago movie soundtrack and the Something Corporate cd

What color sox are you wearing: White

What's under your bed: laundry basket, my video collection, my PR text books, AP stuff and some random stuff

What's the weather like: it�s the end of January in the UP�what do you think it�s like???

What is on your wall calender (i.e. Curious George, Magnetic Poetry): Stitch on one and hottie celeb of the month on the other (I got it out of a magazine. Hehe)

What time did you wake up today: 10:30ish

Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: It�s about the average time I�ve been waking up this semester


Who do you want to marry: Oh like I�m thinking of that! Someone fabulous, that�s for sure!

Are you going to college: Hell yeah! It�ll take more than 4 years, but I WILL finish!

If so, how long do you want to go: It�ll be about 5 years

Where do you want to go: For graduate school NorthWestern or U of M would be niiiiice

What is your career going to be: something in PR or music or magazines or entertainment...or something

Where are you going to live: Anywhere except here hopefully

How many kids do you want: I really don't want children!

Kids names girls: Madison, Taylor Elise

Kids names boys: Chase, Dakota

Where do you want your honeymoon: A beach, the Carribean or something

What kind of car will you have: an SUV of some kind

What kind of house will you have: Something spacious, that'll have a lot of rooms for me to decorate! A penthouse in the city would be great!

**Have You Ever**

Smoked: Yup

Been Drunk: Nope

Been high: Hell no

Done drugs: Nope--I'm high on life! *grin*

Had sex: nooo

Skinny dipped: Hehehe--oh yeah, everyone should at least once!

Partied until the sun came up: Yeah

Stole: Nope...unless you count that ugly lipstick that Joe stole for me while we were together.

Stayed up all night on the internet: Not all night,but a good chunk of the night

Met someone off the internet (in person): Noooo

Cried over a guy/girl: Of course! Who hasn't??

Been in a fist fight: Just with my sister. And we're both wusses so that doesn't really count

Been in a cat fight: Once again--with my sister

Wanted to kill someone: Nooo--that's so horrible!

Fell off a chair: Yeah, I'm such a klutz

Kissed the same sex: Ummm....no

Had feelings for the same sex: Nope

Lap danced: Nope....but it might be a fun idea if I had a boyfriend or something....

**Misc. Questions**

Do you belive in the horoscopes: not really but I like to read mine anyways!

Do you like your handwriting: It can be really sloppy and that always sucks

If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: Meeee!! Or a rockstar

What superhero would you be: Superman cuz he can flyyyy

Do you have any piercings: Just ears, but pondering a nose piercing. what do y'all think of me with a nose peircing???

Any tattoos: No, but I really still want one!

If so where: N/A

If not, where and what do you want: Chinese symbol for "star" or "shine on"

Are you picky: with some stuff yeah

What makes you cry: sappy movies, mean people, HallMark commercials

What makes you mad: when I act before I think and it comes back to bite me in my ass--I AM my own worst enemy at times

What do you think of Eminem: He's hella talented and he does what he wants--I admire that

Who do you admire: My mom

Do you like cartoons: Oooh yes

Do you believe in heaven: yup

Do you believe in God: Yeah!

Do you think there is a hell: Yin to yang, yes I do

Do you believe in the devil: Yeah....I think

What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Italy

What did you do today: escorted fire people around the hall and went to a class only to find out that it was cancelled (!!!) and now I'm just being lazy

Where do you work: for Housing and Residence Life in Hunt Hall--yay!

Do you even have a job you lazy bum: Yes yes and I ADORE it

Are your 'rents lame: My dad sucks, but I love my mom

Do you own a miniskirt: Nope

Do you floss: at least twice a week

What is the farthest your have traveled: Hawaii

Who is a DIVA: Me!

What kind of shampoo do you use: Herbal Essence Fruit Fusions

What about conditioner: See above

Do you use big words to sound smart: No, I use big words cuz I like then!

When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Oooh yeah.

Got milk: No it's sour. =(

Do you have a magic 8 ball: Yeah somewhere....

Name something that comes in threes: good things, good friends, wishes

Ever worn black nail polish: no--TACKY

Do you have hairy arms: Uhhh...kinda?

How many sheets are on your bed: one

Do you have your own tv and vcr: Yup yup--and becoming far too addicted to it.

Do you believe in fate: Oh yes

Do you see dead people: No--creeeepy

Are you a good speller: Pretty decent

What is your lucky charm: Not really, but I'm kinda partial to the antique beaded charm necklace that I usually wear

Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: Just cuz

Do you like little kids: LOVE them

Are you talented: Yeah

If so, how: being social, writing, singing (??kinda??)

Ever hugged a tree: Yeah it's fun!

Do you watch the weather channel while getting ready in your hotel room on vacation: I have, it's a good idea!

Do you ever steal anything from hotels: Just the shampoo and lotion

Ever seen a ghost: Nope

How about an alien: Ummmm....no

Do you beleive in either of them: Not really


Did you waste any time doing this: Oooh yeah

Did you like this survey: Kinda

Were you bored: Yeah...

Did you skip any questions: Nope--aren't you proud?

What time is it: 6:09 (the next freakin' day!!!)

Yaaay done!! Now off to dinner with the wonderful Sierra!!! *gringringrin*

last - next
