The Hunt is On [ October 24, 2003, 11:47 am ]

There is a gorgeous, most beautiful man within a 7.2 mile radius of me. This fact bugs me to no end. But never fear, friend of friends, I shall persevere. I will hunt this gift-from-God down.

Apollo Anton Ohno--you WILL be mine.

Luckily, my stealthy sidekick du jour, Miss Erin, will help me on this quest. Mwahahahaaaaaaaaa

All I really want is a photo with this pretty boy? Is that too much to ask?

I guess he's been signing autographs and stuff all week. This is SUCH a good sign.

He shall be mine. And I will dazzle him. And he'll fall madly in love with me and my crazy hair.


I cannot believe that it's World Cup (Speed-skating) weekend already. I remember when I worked on the campaign for this thing last semest, thinking that it was sooo far away. It just came up so fast. It's craziness I tell you. It's here. It's tonight.

Gleeeeep! I'm so excited. I'm pumped to be volunteering. I'll get a cool volunteer pass and a sweet jacket. And I get to hunt down hottie skater boys. Hehe.

Erin's goal is to snag a British skater. Hopefully they'll be cute. Cuz the accents are uber-sexy. But if they aren't semi-cute what's the point?

I just want to hear them talk. Mmmm.....yes, keep talking, I don't care if it's about the shape the ice is in or how shoddy Marquette is or how you farm pigs....just keep. On. Talking.

I need to marry a guy with an accent. I figured that out last night. Joe and I were watching Charlies Angels Full Throttle (note to all: the unrated version has exactly 3.2 seconds more of blood than the theater version--that's IT) and I was saying how sexy the Seamus character is. He has it ALL: 6-pack, good hair, great pecs, nice face and an flippin' accent. Joe thought the character was a jerk. While I agreed I nearly had an orgasm every time he talked because of the accent. Even when he was beating up my beloved Drew Barrymore I kept commenting on how hot he was.

Sometimes I think I need therapy. Humm.

I'm procrastinating hard-core. I have to run to the bank and go and get a new student I.D. card. I decided in an overtired stupor last night that I was sick of my pic on my card so I proceeded to nearly destroy my card. It was well on the way to death, but I lent the process a hand. I hate that they won't give you a new card unless your old one is fadey and falling apart. Boo to them. Now I gotta make sure I look cute though, so I take a good i.d. pic to make up for my stupid drivers license pic that makes me look like a papillion dog.


Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: the Metamorphasis cd by Hilary Duff

Crush du Jour: Apollo Ohno and the dude who plays Seamus

Happy Thought of the Moment: quality Joe time, cool tattoos, hilarious mom convos, kettle corn, helpin' friends out, putting on a kick ass Skill-Builder, yummy smelling facial scrub, cute nail polish, sweater weather, guys in snuggle sweaters, my flip flops, fabulous residents, card tricks by Master Mike, Milky Ways, carving pumpkins, costume coming together, un-sticky keys, easy class periods, sweet schedule next semester, World Cup weeked

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