Chillin' in Class [ October 31, 2002, 12:11 pm ]

Wally's droning on...and on....and on. But just to prove that I'm paying attention:

*Caveat emptor: the latin term for "let the buyer beware."

We're doing consumer relations right now. Wheee. It really is important for PR, but the ENTIRE class is soooo friggen hyper right now. It's great. I love my class, my PR peers. OK, that sounds really dorky. But it's true. We tight.

Aight.....we're talkin' about Nader and JFK right now. Why? I don't really know. K, perhaps I should pay attention.

Lala--I AM actually taking notes. Really! *grin* I have a document up in Word. For real.

Quote of the moment: cape does NOT enable user to fly. (This is talking about a Batman costume disclaimer.)

Quote of last night: ....and Ethan--he ran after a cloud that he thought looked like a donkey and his face ran into a beehive. That's from the Lizzie McGuire I was sooo distracted by last night.

Oooohh--I gotta quickly tell you about the dream I had during my nap last night. It was sooo nice. Well, the first part wasn't. I dreamed I was holding my committee meeting but nobody was paying attention of caring. So that scared me. But the other part of it involved Sex God--cuz he's on my committee. *swoooooooon* We were all cuddly and giddy-like--like Christain and Satine giddy in Moulin Rouge. It was great. Such a satisfying sense of euphoria. I woke up ohsovery happyyyyyy.

God he's hot. Mmmmmmm

Aight, I need to really pay attention in class. Wally just kinda singled me out.

Ciao for now!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: Wally droning about modern PR

Crush du Jour:Sexxxxxxxxxxx Goooooooooooooood

Happy THought of the Moment:the fact that this is a guaranteed short class, happy happy dreams, having my schedule figured out, giddiness running rampant in class, chocolate, caffeine (pretty much everything that was happy about 10 minutes ago...)

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