Grounded [ September 01, 2004, 2:15 am ]

I've discovered that on the first couple of days of my period I morph into a whiny, insecure 7-year-old.

Not like this is a surprise.

Here's what it's like to be me during the first 36 hours of my period:

- my train of though focuses on me thinking I'm the fattest girl in the state...and noone can convince me otherwise

- this is alternated with thinking that society sucks for making such unlivable vain standards for young women and/or thinking that I suck for thinking the first thought

- no amount of chocolate in the entire county of Marquette would suffice. Bring me buckets of chocolate. Seriously. Please. Any kind. You will forever be on my Happy List.

- Midol/Extra-Strength Tylenol is the greatest invention in the history of EVER in my book--nothing can top it for these two days

- everything annoys me and nothing can stop my being annoyed. Except maybe chocolate or drugs.

- I constantly crave sleep. Sleep is the only other thing on my brain at this time.

Sometimes I wish I had a dick. Especially at this time of the month. Luckily I usually come to my senses quickly after that.

In other news, I have a huge craving to shop. It may be because of my overage check or wanting to celebrate that my books only cost me $150 (!!!). Either way, I wanna take a field trip to the mall. I did just purchase two books and a Ben Folds cd off of, though, so that curbs my urge a bit. A bit. I may need to shop this weekend though.

Aaaand now I'm dancing to John Mayer...if that's really possible. This is a sign I need to go to sleep. This desk shift cannot end fast enough.

Ciao, dahling!


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