Enlightenment [ September 11, 2003, 11:22 am ]

All hail me--Buddha KiKi.

For I am (get this):


Ok, stop laughing. Really. Cuz it's TRUE.

And I can't even really explain it.

I, Krissy, am enlightened.

I just woke up yesterday and I felt really really good. Like the beginning stages of a crush where you feel all floaty and light-headed and giddy. Except that I'm SO not crushing at the moment.

It was just a pure moment of clarity. It's amazing.

I don't really know what brought it on either. I think it was just sleep. I've always said that sleep is good--see? Now I know it's true.

And the enlightened-happy-happy feeling was even stronger after I took a nap mid-afternoon.

It's so nice to have clarity. It sucks cuz I can't even begin to describe it.

It's a very zen feeling. VERY zen. I'm just like "all is well." I think I just realized how completely amazing all of my friends are and how great my life really is. I have nothing to really bitch about--I love my friends and family, I have a good job, I'm in college having the time of my life. I have no license to bitch.

And I don't WANT to bitch either.

I'm just quite.....blissful is the best word.


I was feeling so zen that I decided to call Mr. Date--since I hadn't heard from him in a week. Which is pretty much the kiss of death, I know. But I wanted closure. And I wanted to do things MY way. So I called him under the premise that I wanted to see how he was doing cuz I knew he was stressed--which is true.

So I call, hoping that maybe I'll get the machine, but he answered and we had awkward conversation for about a minute before "it" came. "It" being the line: "I'm not ready for a girlfriend at this point in my life." Which I totally expected from him since he hadn't called.

I just smiled my zen smile, said that I understood and that I cared about him and I wanted us to be friends.

I am so zen.

Damn I'm good.

The really funny thing is that I'm not even torn up about it or anything. I was after the date last Thursday but then I went to the retreat and had tons of fun. And then I got clarity yesterday before calling. So it's all good.

All is blissful in KiKi*Land.


Now I'm gonna go and pretend that I'm being semi-useful at the front desk.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Hungry Eyes" on Q107 (YAY 80s!)

Crush du Jour: Sean W. Scott and Ben Stiller

Happy Thought of the Moment: Givenchy Very Irresistable perfume, my aromatherapy, fun NAE meetings, amazing friends, dinner invites, Togos with Em, Cherry Coke, TOGA!!!!!, funny Erin, "funsucker!", See Jane Date, cute shirts, summery weather, zen feeling, enlightenment, Dictionary of Failed Relationships

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