Man--Eee! Dive dive dive! *grin* [ October 18, 2002, 2:06 am ]

I am soooo tired. (Wow--how many times have I said this in the past week?)

So I didn't have any classes today, but I was bu-sy.

I finished my bulletin board! Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay!!!! It was mucho fun puttin' it together. I decided to do a general things ya need to know type of thing with different info on stuff. But I wanted it to look like a graffi-type of thing. So I made the entire backround look like it was bricks. Can I just say I'd make a terrible lay-person? I can't even drawy damn bricks, don't expect me to freakin' be able to set them down straight. Hehehe. It looks great. Hannah helped me out--we had too much fun doing it. We decided the bricks needed to look authentic-y fun looking so we took a marker in each hand and drummed the "bricks" so it'd look like they were speckled and marked. We must've looked SOOO insane--laughing and banging away with markers in tow. It was great. Me thinky it looks fa-bu-lous. Check it out.

Eager Artists were here tonight. How was it, you may ask. Umm....I liked the chanting, singing, and dancing part of the play. I couldn't really get into the whole aspect of the play--it kind of sucked really. And it was funny. I thought it was a play that the whole family could see. Within the first 15 minutes they said "fuck" at least 3 times. And the plot was like more intense than I thought it'd be. Most musicals have a least a semi-happy plot. Yeah...this really didn't. Honestly, I didn't really like it. Like I said, the dancing and singing was fun. It should've just been that.

But a couple of funny things occurred during the play. Funny thingy #1: (hehe) This little girl must've run to the bathroom AT LEAST 3 times during the first 10 minutes. So she was running down the aisle (cuz of course she was sitting all the way in the front row) and somehow *THUNK* she tripped and bit the carpet right by me and Bob. It was sooo funny. Bob and I just looked at each other and nearly died laughing.

Funny thingy #2: At the very beginning of the second act Bob wasn't sitting down yet. (I think he wanted to bust a cap up in some audience member's ass cuz she had a video camera.) So he's chillin' in the aisle when the act starts. It starts with a troupe member screaming. Except the member isn't on-stage. He's at the back of the theater. He does his rebel yell and starts jettin' it to the stage. Bob got the most panicky look on his face when he realized he was about to be bull-dozed over and he literally DOVE into a seat like half a second before the guy would've run into him. All the people around Bob just laughed for like a minute straight.

The play? Notsovery fabby. After the play? Quite quite fabby. Some NAE peeps decided to go dancing at the Shamrock, just for the hell of it--something to do, a way to have fun. So I ended up dancing my ass off for two and a half hours. It was sooo great. It was so insane in the place. For a yooper club, it was very claustrophobic. I couldn't believe the amount of people there. The dance floor was just jam-packed with bodies. You couldn't even do a cute little hip-move without hitting at least one or two drunk dudes.

But it was all good. I got to dance, which is all that mattered. And I got to see some peeps I usually only see on-campus or in class. It's nice to switch up the environment.

And I found my "twin." His name is Bucky. No no--I didn't just find him tonight. We've been friends for like a year and a half. We're twins because we have waaaaay too much in common. It's kind of scary. We just start talking and it's like we share a brain.

Yeah, Bucky (NOT his real name, but he loathes his real name so he uses a nickname) was there. Lemme just say that HE is a fabulous dancer. It was quite fun.

K, I need to sleep.

Oh--first lemme just say that I'm going to Traverse City this weekend with fabu Hannah, so there's a big possiblity that I won't update. *tear* I'm sure you'll go on and live without a daily dose of KiKi. Hehehe--I guess we'll see. (Lol--that rhymed. K, now I KNOW I Need to sleep.)

Happy weekend all! Much love! Mwah!

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My Rockstar Fantasy To: "Techno Cumbia" by Selena (I'm on a Selena kick lately. I must get some of her cd's) This is such a fun dance song. Wheeee

Crush du Jour:Any random cutie I've seen today *grin*

Happy Thought of the Moment:1 day until Traverse City (!!!), dancing, icy cold water, hot boys, African song and dance, SNL, Selena songs, stealing cd's from friends, buffalo wings, candy necklaces, the weekend, Toon Disney, lotion, late-night WalMart runs, ghetto music, extra paychecks, buff boys in wifebeater tanks, seeing old friends, warm hugs, grinding with hotties, double-stuff oreos, the new Cosmo, no boss for the weekend, fun bulletin boards, fuzzy sweaters, the prospect of new clothes, conversations with Mommy, silly sisters, goofing off in the cafeteria, my fabulous friends, my exciting weekend to come (eeee!)

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