Arrrgh! [ October 31, 2003, 11:02 pm ]

"We need some Moulin Rouge up in here."

~Erin as we wait to join the Halloween festivities.

She seriously said that.

Yes, because when I think of clubbing the night away, I think of blaring some Nature Boy to get me in the dancing mood.

Erin looks hot. She is a diva tonight. I did her makeup and she stole my shiny shades. She's hot.

And I'm a pirate. I look goooood. I've spend the better part of my day making this costume and it's involved a lot of ripping and piecing together and a lot of shiny materials. And a lot of eyeliner.

A LOT of eyeliner.

Johnny Depp ain't got nothin' on me.

Too bad I don't have the boobs to look like a wency pirate. That's according to my boss, though. I like my lack of boobs.

I look dead sex-ay. Yeah.

Oh lord--now Erin is dancing to Spice Girls, the SpiceWorld "chicas to the front" song. We're the only ones I know that could seriously dance to this and maybe get away with it.

Aight, this hottie's outtie.

Ciao, dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Stop" by the Spice Girls--Erin keeps skipping songs on my spicy mix

Crush du Jour: hottie bartender ("He's CUTE." ~me "Yeeeeeeah" ~my boss and Erin)

Happy Thought of the Moment:pirate costume coming together, looking decent in this wig, lots of free chocolate, yummy smelling perfume, Gucci sunglasses, time with friends

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