All Around Us... [ May 11, 2004, 10:59 pm ]

Note to self: never watch Love Actually while PMS-ing. Not only do I drool over Hugh Grant, Colin Firth and the god that is Rodrigo Whats-his-name, but this movie makes me run the gamut of emotions.

In all reality it is a chick flick. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside at the end because of all of the happy couples. But it's also so so much more than that.

I adore the fact that it doesn't just focus on the stars-in-your-eyes-head-over-heels-in-love love. Yes, that kind is probably fabulous and totally worth all of the heartache in the end. But it's not the only kind of love in this world.

The bonds of family like with Sam and his dad and the heartache they went through when the mom died. So real. And I loved the fact that it showed that through a very painful and very real and raw experience, good things can bloom--like amazing relationships.

The love and loyalty between friends. Its one of the most important factors in my life, so that vein running through the movie is amazing. It makes me so much more appreciative of my friends.

Almost love with two of the couples. The pain of not having the one you truly want, of having to see them and have your heart break every time. It's such a true thing, and I always think about my unrequitted loves when I watch it.

The most painful one has got to be the love that's been found but lost in the case of Emma Thompson's character. (As a sidebar, she's completely fantastic in this movie and portrays more depth with her time on-screen than in pretty much any other movie I've ever seen. She always breaks my heart.) To devote your life to your life to your husband and then figure out that he's cheating on you. And to act like nothing's wrong. It wretches at me. It's what my mom went through. And when I watch Emma cry, I think of the times in church and at home when Mom didn't think that I saw her cry, but I did.

It's too much to bare, practically.

The movie's completely amazing and after seeing it again, I have a new-found appreciation for it. It's so involved and deep and real.

Just don't watch it if you're hormonal because you'll end up bawling like I am now.

Ciao dahling!


Livin' Out My RockStar Fantasy To: "Wheel" by John Mayer--so fitting for this reflection

Crush du Jour: still the god from L.A.

Happy Thought of the Moment: same as before...but add good friends and loved ones, good films

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