My MQT Weekend [ May 19, 2002, 12:58 pm ]

This is just not right. What the fuck? Should I be able to catch massive snowflakes on my tongue in the middle of May? Only in the U.P. Only in the Keweenaw to be more precise. Yes, I am back home. =( My blissful Marquette weekend is over. How sad. But all the snow was bursting to greet me as I drove home and is now swirling around my lawn greeting me in a happy happy dance. :D

I had SUCH a good time this weekend. Fabulous, marvelous, magnificent, relaxing, blissful, tremendous, great, wonderful, fun-filled...I could go on. But I'll spare ya--I'm sure you get the picture.

So Em and I did go and see Star Wars on opening night (Thursday) cuz we're so dorky. And we almost brought light sabers. But Em forget em. Good thing. There were some hotties in line for the movie. Hehehehehe I ended up seeing like a dozen people I knew at that showing. Craziness. Em and I were hyped up on caffeine and sugar. I think that added to our viewing pleasure. Mmmm...Ewan McGregor is the SEXIEST guy. I am sooo in love with him. And Hayden--Wow, he's a hottie too. So that added to our already overloaded giddiness. We didn't end up falling asleep til like 3 that morning cuz of the sugar, caffeine and hottie overload.

Then Friday--ALL DAY--was spent with the fabulous Mark. ANd Megan once she was off of work. Mark had a video camera. Not a good thing. I'm so freakin' self-involved sometimes that I love to be oncamera. So we started to make home movies. They're the dorkiest things. There's over an hour of footage of the three of us just goofing around being dumb. It was too funny to watch. And we made music videos too. Savage Garden and Britney Spears will never be listened to the same again after that. Megan even had a routine all choreographed for "You drive me crazy." Ahhhhahahahahahahahahaha. It was so crazy-fun. Then we went and saw Episode II again. It was even more fun with two more crazy people. hehehehe

Saturday=a day of relaxation. All me and Em did was lay around and watch movies. Seriously. We watched like 5 different movies. We only saw the light of day to get food (from Border Grill nonetheless--YAY YAY YAY!!).

So yes--it was a great weekend. I'm so glad that I got see a lot of my friends and just relax. The only kink was that I called Office Max to see about the job. Turns out that the manager didn't like my hours at the Cafe, so I don't have the job. Oh well...two jobs and an internship are a little much anyways. Now I'll have time to just chill and be me. Which is good. I didn't want to get burned too much as it is. I'd like to just be able to go to the beach (if this retarded snow will ever just GO AWAY! Grr). So yeah, it's ok. =)

Another bit of good news: I got my financial aide awards and shit in the mail. YAY!! I'm muy muy pumped. Usually I have to go through a shitload of red tape and mailings to get my award allocations because my parents are divorced. Nope. I'm all good. And I only have to take out one little loan. Go Me!! I'm very very very happy about this. =)

Oohhh--Mom turned on the Wedding Singer. One of my favorites. I dedicate "You Spin Me 'Round" to EMILY!!! Cuz she loves this song ohsoverymuch. Hehehe. I got to torture her while we were driving to the theater on Friday. So funny. She loathes the 80s and especially 80s music--unlike me. Lol Yeah, so....ciao, dahling!


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