Chilling In MQT.... [ May 17, 2002, 3:29 pm ]

I'm a dork. I'm chilling with my friends in fabulous Mark's apartment in Spooner. It's sooo nice. And what do I do? I decide to add an entry to my journal. Nice, huh? :p

It's sooo nice being down here. I love it here. Sooo blissful. I went and visited Dad so that's outta the way. K, I'm sorry, but I have nothing in common with the guy so I don't exactly have heart-to-hearts with him. But it's all done so the whole weekend is now my oyster. So great.

The reason I'm adding is cuz Weymouth recommended this quiz to me, and I HAD to take it. So here's my results. Brahaha

See which Greek Goddess you are.

Hehehehe! Told ya I was a goddess. and I know at least one other person recognizes that. *blush*

Aight I'm heading out to cause chaos. Ciao, dahling!


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