What I Believed When I Was Young [ March 02, 2008, 1:51 am ]

- That once you were out of high school, you could just play allll day. The concept of more school or a job never crossed my mind until I was at LEAST 9 or 10.

- Frogs were really princes in disguise. Blame it on a steady diet of Disney movies and children's books. (Part of me still believes it.) I chased down EVERY frog I saw in hopes that if I kissed it it would morph into a prince with good hair and a strapping white horse. Thankfully I never caught any frogs.

- That if I buttered and/or lotioned my baby sister's bald head, I totally would get away with it. In fact? Mom would think it was hilarious and that I was brilliant. The actualy result of buttering and lotioning Katy's head? Lots of no-toy time. To this day, though, I still giggle when I think of lotioning her head. It's a vivid memory.

- That you only get your period once. I thought a period was a magical moment in a girls life where there was a little pain and a little blood and then poof! You're a woman and you get on with your life. It wasn't until I found my mom's stash of pads that that myth was shattered and my world looked a little different. I wish all women only got their periods once in their life.

- That one razor was all you needed to shave your legs FOR. LIFE. That theory was totally nixed when I tried shaving my legs with the same razor more than three ties and got charming little cuts all over my legs.

- That the word "uno" was Finnish. Shut up. I had an uncle whose name was Uno and he was 120% Finnish. Finnish Uncle, Finnish name, Finnish word. I also thought the game Uno was named after him. Shut up. Just...shush.

Ciao, dahling!

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