Slightly Deep for a Sunday [ August 24, 2008, 2:44 pm ]


I just realized how much time I spend on Facebook. And really? It's a ridiculous amount. Like, crazy-redic. And I know I shouldn't! Because:

a.) I'm in grad school, not high school.
b.) I could be doing FAR better things with my time.
c.) I did a study on Facebook habits and their effects on undergrads last year and I have proof that too much time online can be a baaaad thing.

I think it's partially because I like to connect with my friends and leave comments with their pictures and on their walls. But then I think it's also because viewing my own profile reminds me that yes, I'm still alive, still breathing, still loving the same movies, books, quotes as before shit hit the fan. I'm still me. I can still be me. And in my little corner of the internet, all can be well.


Ok, so I didn't mean for it to get all deep. I just wanted to make fun of myself for spending too much time on a dumb website. And then I got all deep-like. My bad.

But HEY! It's my BFF Emily's 26th birthday today! Yaaaay! (We'll pretend that I actually remembered to buy the rest of her present. Gaah.) She's amazing and fabulous and she's literally the only person on this planet who can have me simultaneously laughing, crying, snorting and clutching my stomach because of the chaos we cause together.

I freakin' love that girl. Happy birthday, my friend!!

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