Too Hot for a Real Entry [ July 24, 2005, 5:30 pm ]

Ten years ago: I was preparing for eighth grade, which turned out to be the most uneventful year of my life. Except that I really liked this kid named Adam and I'd always stare at him. He was a dork--this must've been the beginning of the "I like dorks" phase that I have yet to grow out of.

Five years ago: I was working at K-Mart and actually liking it. I made a lot of friends there. I was also freaking out about going to college for the first time. It was a transitional stage--much like now. Huh.

One year ago: I was still on a high from seeing Madonna. Aw, Madonna. How I love thee.

Yesterday: was a very good day for me! Because I cleaned and decorated and then hung out with some of my favorite people. And! Got a bday present. Yay presents!!!

Today: it is hot. And I don't like it. But I have typed up, like a billion (or, um, ten) cover letters and applied for more jobs. So I am being productive like a good little girl.

Tomorrow: I must must MUST remember to bring my car in early in the morning so it can get fixed. And then mail out my applications. Woo, the exciting life I lead.

Five snacks I enjoy: popcorn, pretzels, Crispy M&Ms, anything chocolate, chips and dip

Five bands that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: NSync, Barenaked Ladies, Matchbox Twenty, Linkin Park, No Doubt

Five things I would do with $100,000,000: pay off my credit card bills and loans, buy my mom the greatest house ever, tour Europe for, uh, a very long time, take my friends to Vegas for a month and buy a killer flat in London

Five locations I'd like to run away to: London, New York City, Hawaii, Greece, Disney World (shut up, I could bunk with Stitch)

Five bad habits I have: biting my nails, overthinking everything, procrastinating, talking before thinking, sleeping too much

Five things I like doing: writing, reading a good book, travelling, dorking out with my friends, dancing

Five things I would never wear: Ugh boots, mesh baseball caps, those stupid ponchos, see-through shirts (ala prostitutes and/or gay men), Paris Hilton's perfume (gag)

Five TV shows I like: Sex and the City, Friends, Seinfeld, Saturday Night Live, Entourage

Five movies I like: Moulin Rouge, Lilo and Stitch, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Napoleon Dynamite, Serendipity

Five famous people I'd like to meet: Madonna, Oprah, Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon (just so I can hump him), John Mayer

Five biggest joys at the moment: summer breezes, anything coconut, Kept on VH1, good friends, hope for a good job

Five favorite toys: Hungry Hungry Hippos, Cabbage Patch Kids, My Little Pony, Game Cube (only when I play with friends, though), my stuffed Stitch

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