If it were a pink nun outfit, I'd probably go for it [ March 08, 2006, 1:50 am ]

The male gender sucks.

This is the conclusion I've come to. This isn't just me being on the rag or reading feminist essays or witnessing the horndog antics of male species at dimly-lit bars. And this isn't me coming from a spiteful place. ( At the moment I'm currently without a crush--the best thing that I could ask fro right now is a fun little makeout session. I'm easy to please.) This is the conclusion I've come to after many years of unrequitted crushes, unreciprocated feelings, and a couple of phone conversations today with a few of my favorite people in the world.

The cock (I sincerely didn't like him and always got the "I'm-a-dick" vibe whenever saw him) that my sister was sort of seeing dropped the f-word on her this past weekend. "Let's just be friends" are four of the most devastating words that any girl with a crush can hear. She liked him a lot, she let him know she did and he acted like he was into her. She had dreams of calling him her boyfriend while he has dreams of pursuing any busty blonde that walks past him at a bar.

And then one of my best friends in the entire world broke off her nearly two-year relationship today. And when I say "broke off" what I mean is that her boyfriend ignored her calls for three days after they had a fight. It took a couple of curt emails for him to finally answer his phone and inform her that he thought the relationship was dunzo. I could enter a string of expletives and biting comments here, but I don't think it'd do it justice. Instead I'll let the situation marinate in everyone's mind for a moment.

Two years (almost). There were talks of purchasing a house together. And he was going to let the relationship die without officially informing her.

Not only are males sucky, but they're stupid as well.

I was going to turn this into a what-not-to-do type of list for men (like....telling someone that he "could have any girl he wants but I want you" is more of a backhanded comment than an ego stroke). But I'll save that for something I'm working on outside of the diary. My heart aches for my girls. They're hurting, so I'm hurting. There's nothing that can be said or done to soothe them (although shots of vodka and loads of chocolate do make the heart a little lighter for a sliver in time).

What can I do besides say that I love them? I'll stock up on Dove chocolate, hand over a box of Kleenex and start planning our future as nuns. Because that at least gets a smile and a passing thought when a heart is hurting.

Ciao, dahling!


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