Scrap Snappy [ December 22, 2005, 2:46 am ]

So the next time I decide to be all "in the spirit" and motivated and decide to make an entire freakin' scrapbook for a present, can you just smack me? I mean it.

Raise your right hand and repeat after me: I *insert name here* promise to never let Krissy take on huge-ass projects when I know good and well she's the biggest procrastinator known to man-kind.

In theory, the scrapbook of the family vacay to Disney World is a splendid idea. To capture the moment and have a nice souvenir to leaf through whenever one would want--who wouldn't want that? The problem lies in the fact that all three members of my family are picture WHORES. Together, we snapped over three hundred pictures in under five days. There'd have been more if Katy's memory card would have been bigger or my batteries wouldn't have died. We're all set once we lose our memories because we'll have every moment from that vacation on cellulite or disc--from my leafing through a Cosmo in the airport to mom's "take a picture of me by this rock/tree/flower/door/sign" to every character meeting. Oh yes.

Clearly, I'm nostalgic. But also numb in mind because I've been working on this thing for the past few days and it's never EVER going to be done.

Ack! And ack! again.

So the next time I'm all inspired to make a meaningful present for someone I love? Hit me and shove the Mastercard my way because it'll probably end up being better for everyone in the long run.

Ciao, dahling!


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