If you like Pina Coladas.... [ January 17, 2005, 12:17 pm ]

This is my last first day of classes. Ever.

That's kind of sad. I really like the anticipation of class--not knowing who you're going to see, what the prof's going to be like, what kind of challenges you're going to come across. It's exciting. I really enjoy those feelings.

At the same time, just sitting in one class made me antsy. It's my time to go, I think. I've been sitting in classrooms for oh 17 years. Yeah, I think it's time to get out into the world and do something. I want to put my skills to work. Ok, so I kind of am, but it'd be nice to get paid for them, too. A job would be nice. A career would be nicer. A career in the Green Bay area with a company car, 401K, six-figure salary and three weeks paid vacation a year would be nicer-est. Oh, it'll happen. Mark my words.

I'm in the mind-set that I'm done with class for the day. I have NO idea why I think this. I have class at three today. Hi, I'm a dumbass. Something tells me that I'm going to forget too. Gaah.

Aaaand it's fuckin' Siberia here. It was sub-zero temps all weekend. This translates into five layers of clothing, lethargic tendencies and having to run the car for twenty minutes before going anywhere. Sigh. And to top it off--today it's below zero AND snowing. What a fab start to the Winter semester.

This weather? It leads to no motivation. But worse than that it's lead to really really reallyreally dry hands for me. It SUCKS. I've been using all of my body lotions and body creams and body butters. They're. Not. Working. My hands are gross. Any suggestions? Ugh.

With the cold temps come, fun and innovative ways to have fun, though. Exhibit A:

That's Katie G., me and Chrissy in Chrissy' apartment Friday night. We said "fuck you" to the cold and drank pina coladas out of pineapples. Boring we are not. I love my life.

Ciao, dahling!


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