The Good News is That I Don't Have a Hangover... [ September 15, 2005, 12:30 pm ]

Things I learned while drinking last night:

- if you know one shot of Jager will fuck you up, don't proceed to do four shots of it throughout the evening. Unless you like acting dumb in front of people you like.

- If you consume lots of shots, you will act dumb. Guaranteed. Especially if your name is Krissy.

- While drunk, don't try to play with your cell phone's phonebook. It will get messed up.

- Also don't try to access your voicemail. Frustration will occur and you'll want to break your phone. Luckily mine didn't break. Which is good since it's my lifeline.

- Consuming lots of alcohol will make this girl antsy for a fight. I will probably threaten to rip parts of the male anatomy off. And I'll lob f-bombs and biting sarcasm (haha! Like I have biting sarcasm!) at anyone who pisses me off. Like, say, people who blow out candles or act immature. Ugh. I really don't like immature people. (Shut up, I'm not being a contradiction. I can stop being immature and I don't egg people on. Unlike a certain idiot at the bar last night.)

- Seeing a celebrity at a bar turns me into a teeny-bopperish fan-girl. And I'll think that stalking them will be the most brilliant idea. Let's hope Hal Sparks couldn't see my face in the dark dark bar last night. Ack. (I didn't stalk him--thank GOD. I was good and just sat there. And, uh, drank some more.)

- DDs are fabulous people. I've always known that. But still.

- I like cuddling. A lot. A lot a lot. Not that I didn't know that before--but it was reiterated times a hundred last night. And that thrills me to no end.

Ciao, dahling!


PS: E! just reported that Britney Spears had a baby. Why this is big news is beyond me. But I feel the urge to report what I just learned. I can't wait to see what kind of trashiness this child is subjected to...

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