Boxing Day [ May 29, 2007, 5:36 pm ]

Things I should be doing right now:

- Packing
- Cleaning
- Packing some more
- Throwing away all of the shit I don't need, don't wear and/or don't care about any more
- Did I mention packing?

Things I want to be doing right now:

- Sipping a pina colada by a pool
- Making out with my boyfriend
- Not, um, moving
- Napping
- Shopping

This article was in my local paper a few weeks ago. It pretty much sums up how I feel about packing. People! How did I accumulate so much crap?!? And why does it take so long to get rid of it?!? ACK!!

That's IT! I'm becoming a minimalist. For real. All I really need to survive is my laptop. And my books. And maybe my makeup.

Who am I kidding? This trend will continue for as long as I'm on this earth. Maybe for my next move I'll remember to start packing before the day before a move. That may help with all of the crap that I have.

Ack. Just...ack!

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